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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 5

“You were Jack Dawson’s assistant for a while?” his eyebrows dip as he questions, unusually cute while studying me non-intrusively.

Get a grip, Emma!

“Yes, Mr. Dawson.” I smile, although I know it must look as forced as it feels. Dawson is an unbearable letch who grabbed my ass at every opportunity and pressed himself against me whenever I tried to pass him. In his late sixties, small, and overweight. I was surprised he still had those kinds of urges at his age. He’s the type of man I’m used to dealing with, with his wandering hands and sleazy smiles. The kind of man I can handle after years of practice.

“It was Miss. Keith who recommended you for this position, I believe?”

I hone in on his beautiful teeth, white and perfectly lined up, just as a billionaire’s mouth should be. I wonder how much he spends on dental work every year, to be Carrero model material. Easily distracted by his appearance.

“Yes. I loved working for her while her own assistant was on leave, she was easy to attend to, and I learned a lot.” A surge of satisfaction at how cool and calm I sound once again rushes through my body. My nerves are settling and his effects on me winding down with effort. I guess the shock of meeting him is abating finally.

I was wrong about his eyes, in person they’re the most gorgeous pure green I’ve seen; in fact, the photographs don’t do them justice at all.

“She spoke highly of your efficiency and professionalism. It’s rare for Kay to make an internal recommendation for a position like this.” He smiles briefly, and the butterflies swoop back in. I blush, the heat rising up my face, and it annoys me as I try to maintain my professional maturity, but I’d loved Kay Keith as a boss. I was desolate when her assistant came back to work, and I was demoted back to Dawson’s office. The return to the letch and his slimy hands.

“Thank you.” I smile genuinely, inner pride glowing. It’s not an easy thing to move from a lowly admin assistant through a company like this in just five years, especially with my meager qualifications. I have sacrificed so much in my life to get here.

“Well, so far, I’ve found her to be a joy. Efficient and capable, with a good understanding of the business. Don’t think it will take long to get her up to speed with her requirements.” Margo’s beaming at me with an odd twinkle in her eye. I like her. She’s still standing close, observing us and is oblivious to the other two men behind her. I know she’s watching to see if we’re a fit and is standing back to let us get to know each other. Her presence calming me.

“Glad to hear it—so, Emma; how has it been so far? Learning the ropes of life on the sixty-fifth floor?” There’s a slight humor in his expression, a hint of that Carrero charm he’s famed for. It’s hard not to fall for it if I’m being honest, but I know it stems from years of schmoozing with the rich and famous, and probably fake. He’s a pro.

“A breeze,” I answer coolly, avoiding that penetrative gaze he has going on now. “Nothing I can’t handle so far.” I allow a half-smile of confidence.

“Has Margo warned you about the frequent traveling you will have to undertake, or the unsociable hours we sometimes keep? This job can be full on, Miss. Anderson. It’s not for the faint hearted.” He’s frowning now, still watching me so closely, and it’s a little unnerving.

“Yes, I’m aware that this is not a nine-to-five job, Mr. Carrero. I’m 100% committed to my career, so it will not be an issue.” I reply without emotion, lifting my chin a little to show my determination.

“You’re young … What about a social life?” Still frowning at me. Still trying to scrape away at my surface and figure me out. I would never give a man like him that chance.

“I haven’t much interest in many social activities … I left my hometown to come to New York, and I don’t know many people outside of work.” My voice sounds unsteady, but I doubt he has noticed. He glances at me contemplatively.

“Career oriented? Can be lonely.” He tilts his head to the side and lightly hunches his shoulders in a move that’s devastating to my hormones and makes my body tingle and my temperature soar without warning. I gaze down to the floor for a second and take a breath to combat these alien feelings.

Stop eye raping him, Emma. Have a little more professionalism.


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