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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 59

“It’s kind of heartbreaking to watch him suffer … Unrequited love.” Richard breaks in, stifling a grimace as Daniel slaps his back with a noisy ‘thwap’.

“Fuck you. Both of you.” An annoyed tone and no smile.

“You know when you know … Right?” Vincent throws a wink at Daniel too and three of the four men burst out laughing, Daniel rolls his eyes and gives them the finger.

“Tried so damn hard to let him down gently, he’s just too sensitive.” Jake ruffles Daniels hair playfully, chuckling at him.

“I’ve caught him sobbing into his Hagen Das a few times when you stood him up, Jakey.” Richard shoves Daniel in the ribs playfully and they all laugh at their friend.

“He stole my Endless Love CD when you missed his birthday bash last year. Perfect crying anthems on there.” Leila quips in, throwing a huge grin at Jake, yet avoiding Hunter completely.

“I swear to god, you guys better stop with this shit. Even if I was that way inclined, I wouldn’t jump Carrero’s bones. I know where he’s been, I have standards.” All of the men turn to Jake with eyebrow wiggles, and he only sneers at them.

“Umm, I think I’ve way higher standards than any of you three.” He defends himself with a frown and a haughty tone.

“Questionable.” Leila throws him a disbelieving look. “But you’ve improved a lot.” She then smiles at me, concealing nothing. A big hearty, playful type of smile.

“Leave her out of this.” Jake warns, squeezing me a little too tightly. I haven’t been able to help laughing along with all of them, but things just shifted tone and Jake feels suddenly tense. Mr. Protector. unleashed.

“You know when you know, right?” Vincent smirks Jake’s way and I try and ignore the way all three men seem to look at Jake for a split, perfectly timed moment, all three with raised eyebrows and smirking expressions. Eerily unified.

“Daniel certainly seems to think so.” Jake makes kissing noises, releases me to haul his friend into a head lock and plaster his cheek with wet, noisy assaults.

“Fuck off, you creep.” Daniel fights as everyone snorts in laughter. Everyone except Marissa. Her straight faced, bitchy self has been observing with nothing but boredom this whole time, but she seems to change tactic as soon as the men settle down and Jake comes back and puts his arm back around me. Back to his previous position.

Marissa pouts at Jake sexily, and I bristle.

Back off, Señorita, get a grip and take a hint!

“Admit it, you’ve been planning the Hunter-Carrero wedding since you were just a little girl. It’s kind of sweet really.” Jake prods Daniel with his beer bottle and receives two fingers on one hand and one on the other as a response.

“You’re riding dangerously close to a Hunter free existence. Then we’ll see which dude is crying into his Hagen Das. We all know that Mr. Smooth Carrero. has the biggest man crush on me.” Daniel picks up a beer, mock throws his hair back like a woman and flutters his eyelashes.

“In your dreams, pretty boy. I’m hoping for a threesome with the twins.” Jake winks at Vincent and Richard who throw on matching “Eww” faces. Everyone laughs, even Marissa this time and then she goes and ruins the atmosphere by biting on her lip suggestively and making direct eye contact with Jake. She’s practically screaming, “Take me.” I hate her!

I turn my head into his chest softly, unsure why I feel like I should be sending her messages. Jake just seems to adjust his hold, so I can move in and lay my head against his neck comfortably. His arm moving further around to accommodate me, he switches his beer bottle to his left hand, so it hangs in front of me. His other takes my empty cocktail glass from me and puts it down. He doesn’t falter, just continues talking to his men folk as though my snuggling closer is the most natural thing in the world for us. I listen to the steady, strong thud of his heart under his shirt, enjoying the solid muscle under my cheek. None of the group seems to even acknowledge the way we are cuddled up together or the way he slides towards me to allow me to get even closer to his torso.

Now they’re talking about some trip last summer I’ve not got any interest in as soon as I realize that Marissa had been there too and not with a beau in tow to occupy her. Again, a look on her face aimed at Jake, and I assume its meaning is to rekindle a sexual memory.


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