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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 67

“She did what she could,” I mumble, even though I know that’s a lie. I’m too lost in the way his nose is skimming my shoulder and neck, my skin erupting with goosebumps. The hand that was in my hair now trailing down my naked arm and wrist and back up. He’s a clever one with all his seductive ways. Lulling me into a sense of soft security, teasing my body so I’ll open up to him. I don’t have the energy to fight it, I’m his captive when he touches me this way.

“She didn’t stop bringing men around her child, Miele.” His voice takes on a hoarseness and I stiffen. I’ve told myself this, a million times over and over. He’s not saying anything I don’t already know, yet, it still hurts like he’s thrust a knife into my chest; to hear someone else say it.

“Why did you leave Chicago? Leave her?” his voice has deepened, his hands trailing down my arms and up again, leaving gentle tingles on the surface. His face back in my hair, releasing me a little. I want to melt into him, let him do with my body as he pleases. His touch sending searing pleasure wherever it lands, my eyes still closed and lost in sensation. For once the doubts sliding away. He’s bewitching me to open up and I’m completely lost to him.

“I needed to walk away from all of it … I needed to save myself because no one else was going to.” A tear courses down my cheek while saying it out loud for the first time. It’s bittersweet, yet I sound so pathetic. Heart gnawing with pain.

“I think you need to talk to someone about all of this, Emma … a counselor … I could …”

My eyes snap open and I jerk away instantly, spinning to glare at him angrily. My mood changing with those simple words that wound me deeply and ignite a fire all over again.

“Not a goddamn chance.” I spit, all venom returned, defensive and lashing out. “I’m not fucking crazy!”

“Emma, that isn’t what I said,” his voice is one of surprise at my reaction, he attempts to put his arms around me again, but I hold out a hand, stopping him. Brimming with fury. He stays back, wariness in his narrowed eyes, my anger spilling out like a burst dam.

“Don’t, okay … You wanted to know … Now you know, and that’s the end of it.” The strength is back in my voice … PA Emma has returned, and I stalk past him toward the car signaling the end. I can’t look at him, my eyes are drying now, and that steel wall building back up, I’m gaining control again.

To be looked at like some broken mental case is too much. I don’t need a shrink. I need him to stop prying.

“Don’t do that,” he snaps accusingly, following me back to the car, close on my heels; he grabs my arm to turn me, but I yank it away.

He thinks I need therapy! He thinks I’m some broken, pathetic girl with emotional issues, and he’s wondering why I’m pissed. I knew this was a bad idea, I knew he would see me differently the more he knew.

“Do what?” I yell, deliberately looking anywhere but him to get away. He grabs my arm again and tugs me around to face him harshly, this time succeeding.

“Don’t shut me out again … Clamp down like you always do … Not after everything … I’m sick to death of this never-ending fucking circle.” He rages at me. Fire meeting fire.

“I didn’t want to tell you … You just keep pushing.” I wrench my arm away, and I’m back in fight mode, ready to push it all back into the black box in my head and act like it never happened.


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