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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 71

It’s now been six days and I’m pretty much done with this boat. I’m done with the people, and the sea, and the silence, I’m going out of my mind. The others like to party every night, and even joining in, I can’t really get in the mood. I don’t drink much without him here; I don’t want to let my guard down and get in that state with no one to put me to bed. No one to watch over me. I smile sardonically at that.

Who knew the reason that I felt able to get that drunk and let go a little was because he was around? Ironic really.

The one thing he accused me of not being able to do and I did it because he was here.

I check my cell for the millionth time, I guess he really needed to let off a lot of steam … I wonder how many women it’s taken exactly. It isn’t like Jake to spend six full days with just one … he doesn’t like any of them that much. In six days, he’s probably seen at least three women, if not more. It’s a sobering thought and I try to squash it back down.

I’ve trawled my iTunes list so many times, considered sending him a song and picked more than a dozen, ranging from deep and meaningful, to witty, then angry. I discarded them all, knowing I should leave him alone to simmer, sulk through whatever is wrong with him. This is sheer agony, slow torture. But I have my pride, and he’s bruised it.

Pounded the crap out of it, more likes.

* * *

“Are you sure?” Leila is pouting at me and I give her a quick squeeze, she cuddles me back. It’s like being hugged by a child; she’s so small, and cute, and adorable. That tug in my chest at leaving her, but I can’t stay here any longer.

“Yes, I think I just need to head home.” I sigh. I’ll genuinely miss her. She’s the friend I never knew I needed. Infectious and sweet. Like Jake, she has a way of getting under my skin and pulling a different Emma out.

“Was it a bad fight?” she throws her doe-eyed expression up at me, petting her lip, which only makes me chuckle at her.

“What do you mean?” I smile and bat her on the head playfully, trying to play it cool. She moves herself to perch on the rail of the boat as we’re standing on deck, watching the early morning water.

“You and Jake? Butthead is not answering calls, so I can hardly ask him.” She’s blinking at me innocently, not fooled at all.

“I told you, he had to go leave for business, I wasn’t needed so he left me here.” I lie expertly, PA mask perfectly in place, despite my wild wavy hair. I reconnected with feeling-less Emma, somewhere along the past six days.

“I think you had a fight and he’s off sulking … Men sulk! Jake not so much, but he’s still capable.” She blinks at me.

“There was no fight, we’re not together … I’m his assistant, that’s all.” Betrayed by the warmth in my face I hope she doesn’t see rising, I turn back to my bag and push my cell inside, to hide the blush. My luggage is already packed and on deck as I wait for the speed boat to come for me. One of the crew has gone ashore for supplies and is due back any minute.

“Men only bring assistants on holiday that they’re screwing, Emma, or if they’re in relationships.” Her tone is serious. Honestly forward, one of her cute qualities.

“I’m not screwing my boss, Leila. We’re just friends.” I’m irritated at how close to a lie that statement has come; I need to go; I have a plane to catch and still have to get ashore.

“Are you in love with him?” she flashes up at me with fluttering lashes and a wispy half-smile. I blink at her and swallow hard.

“No, I’m not.”

Am I?

I don’t know how I feel anymore, and I don’t want to examine that possibility.

“I think you are … I think he’s maybe in love with you too.” She pouts sweetly, her eyes wide with possibility. I shake my head sadly. Well, I know for a fact that’s not true. The fact he’s somewhere, doing god knows what, to other women, is proof of that.

“Jake doesn’t do love, Leila … He likes things casual.” I point out emptily. A fact I know only too well.


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