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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 77

It’s amazing what the human heart can endure when you have a will like mine. It’s amazing how you can bounce back, like you were, no matter what life throws at you. It’s amazing how many masks I must keep in my back pocket for when one gets smashed into a thousand pieces so I can slide a new one on.

We’re on a plane already, and I’m cool and controlled and acting like yesterday never happened. Red head is gone, thank god, and Jake seems like the normal good old Jake from before our vacation. The past week or so erased from memory. Just like that!

All is almost right with the world if I can just ignore all of that. Forget all the tears, and ignore the crazy way he makes me feel, that I can no longer honestly say is platonic. He’s on his cell, despite me glaring at him about using it on the plane.

“Yes, that’s right.” He waves his hand at my expression, dismissing me as I picture us crashing into the ocean. “No, it doesn’t need his permission, it’s my money.” He sounds annoyed with whoever he is talking to. “Exactly as I sent you.” He frowns into space and I go back to working on my laptop. “As soon as.” … “Let me know if there’s any more contact.”

He slides his phone off and chucks it down, giving me a wary glance, yet says nothing. I’m working through a document and go back to being absorbed, ignoring him. I hate flying … It’s boring, stressful, and I’ve done enough of it to last a lifetime these past few months. Life has just reverted to complete normalcy overnight. I’m not sure how to feel, but it’s better than his absence and his anger.

“You look serious.” He’s appraising my profile as I stare at my screen and try my hardest to block him out.

“I’m working.” I try and ignore that probing gaze.

“So, it’s your serious work face?” I can almost hear the smile in his voice and squint up at him … He’s in playful mode and I just sigh in response.

Great, that’s all I need; he can be irritating in this mood, when we’re stuck on a long ass flight. Think bored child without any toys, and only me to occupy him.

“Aren’t all work faces serious, Mr. Carrero?” I respond sassily yet flatly, refusing to be distracted. Still not completely back to normal with him but trying.

“Yours is especially serious this morning,” he teases, pinching my cheek annoyingly and I quell the urge to react.

Lord help me.

“Perhaps it’s having me up and on a plane before sunrise, boss.” I’m trying so hard to stay focused on my screen and ignore his invasive hands or I will never get this done.

“Perhaps.” He’s smirking, I can see it from the corner of my eye. He leans out and closes my laptop almost on my fingers. I flinch, pulling them away quickly, glaring at him icily.

“I haven’t saved that!” I point out.

“It saves automatically.” He shrugs knowingly, and I pout at him as I go to open it again, but he lays a hand on it firmly.

“Leave it … We have a long flight … I want you to relax.” He slides down in his chair as though demonstrating what relaxed looks like.

“It’s important,” I stress. Irritation rising.

Only I could have a boss who doesn’t deem his own company’s business as important.

“It will keep.” His tone firm, the flicker of irritation makes me back down wary of him still being touchy under the surface.

“Okay, fine … You’re the boss … How shall I relax, Mr. Carrero?” I sulk as he lifts a hand to the attendant and she comes over with the tray of champagne, he takes two and hands me one with a nod.

“Why is it always alcohol with you?” I sigh and sip it anyway. So not in the mood to refuse him.

“Proven method. I stick with what works.” He raises his eyebrows cheekily, all hints of annoyance gone so quickly.

“The resurface of drunken Emma?” I’m still pouting, my tone tight as I say it and I can feel his grin without looking.


“Maybe just tipsy Emma … She’s nice too.” He winks my way naughtily.

“Hmmm.” I’m unimpressed.

“Or just Emma … I like Emma just as much.”

I flicker a glance at him and turn away, unsure how to read the distant look in his eyes. He’s being unusually nice all of a sudden.


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