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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 33

Thaddeus’ POV:

Friday’s scent seemed to fill the entire Alpha floor. I tried to engage the rational part of my brain and not fight Theo and the other warriors. They dragged me to the Beta floor where I could still pick up her scent though the intensity of it faded. If I had not been somewhat compliant they would not have been able to move me. I kept my eyes on Maze too, ensuring he had vacated the top floor as well. Eventually they got us down to the ground floor, to the common grounds which had been evacuated. Only mated warriors and their she-wolves were still permitted in the pack house for the remainder of her heat.

A Luna’s heat causes much crazier behaviour than that of a regular she-wolf. Friday must have been the Luna of all Lunas. I could not relax even this far away from her. My wolf was clawing at me from inside, howling and whimpering. He was worried about his mate. I was worried too. I hated thinking of Friday in pain. If not for this challenge, I could have claimed her already and her heat would just be a time to bond further. I hoped a rut was not coming on. I could not chance it. Ruts made Alphas totally irrational and sometimes coincided with the Luna’s heat. All an alpha cared about during a rut was getting his luna pregnant and all a luna cared about during her heat was getting pregnant. Once Maze and I were not in ruts, if we were far away from Friday during her heat, we could act normally. If we went into ruts, no matter how far away we were, we would try to seek her out.

I gr0aned, putting my head in my hands, hoping that my little Luna was not in too much pain. I had left her with her weirdo brother who seemed truly believably concerned for the first time ever. I had an idea but first I needed to make sure Friday was being taken care of properly.

“Theo, I need you to watch Fang when he’s watching Friday! Take the mated Berryndale warriors as well!” I said, grabbing his shoulder and meeting his eyes.

“Of course, Thaddeus, I got you, you know that,” Theo said reassuringly.

“Maze!” I called.

Maze was slumped over in arm chair like he was in a drunken stupor or something, not moving, his dark hair blocking his face.

“MAZE!” I yelled. My alpha voice made no difference to Maze as he too was an alpha but at least it was louder and much more demanding.

Maze stirred, looking up at me with haunted eyes.

“Let’s go!” I said.

“Where?” He asked, looking confused.

“Away from Friday, Theo and Fang and the mated warriors will protect her for the next couple of days,” I said, finding it difficult to even utter the words “away from Friday.”

“What about the challenge?” Grumbled Maze, narrowing his eyes slightly.

“Is this not challenging?” I growled.

Maze sighed. He shut his eyes tightly. I waited for him to argue or growl and snarl back at me but to my surprise, he got to his feet. He stumbled over to the door. One of the mated Berryndale warriors came to me. It was Athens, a tall dark-skinned warrior with a consistently stone-faced expression.

“Alpha, Theo sent some necessitates for you and the Marigold Alpha,” Athens said.

I clapped Athens on the back. “Thank you,” I said, nodding.

Theo had sent clothes and food for us for the next couple of days. Maze followed me out of the pack house. He was constantly glancing over his shoulder. I knew he was thinking of Friday. I was doing the same.

“What is this brilliant plan, pray tell?” Maze asked, his tone snide.

I sighed. “We’re going to Friday’s old cottage. Her non-heat scent will linger there. It will be soothing and far away from her for her own safety.

Maze was silent.

Maze’s POV

Thaddeus was leading me to Friday’s cottage, the place where I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I gr0aned inwardly but I could not deny his logic. We would be far away from Friday. She was somewhat wolf-less. She was in heat but she had still never shifted so she could not outrun us even if her foot was not broken. She needed round the clock surveillance and us staying nearby was the biggest threat to her. A regular werwolf attracted by her smell would be easily subdued by our mated warriors but they could not overpower their own alphas for long if at all.

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I trudged behind him. I kept looking over my shoulder back at the pack house until it disappeared from view and trees surrounded us. We walked through the woods in silence. I hoped they were guarding Friday with their very lives back at the pack house. If anything happened to her, I would have the head of the person responsible on a spike.

The cottage came into view. My wolf gr0aned. This was where I had angered him greatly when I rejected his mate. He grumbled. At least the front door had been fixed. Fang’s door removal sk!lls had helped us earlier. I smirked at that. He was a good Beta but a terrible brother. He had seemed concerned about Friday in earnest for the first time ever tonight.

Friday’s cottage did smell like her. I shivered in delight. I immediately dove into her little cot and grabbed her pillow, sniffing it, inhaling her scent deeply. Thaddeus had wrapped her blanket around himself.

“Remind Theo to take care of Saturday,” I said, remembering the cat when he had hissed at me on that first night.

“I already did,” Thaddeus said.

Saturday was well-liked by the pack house warriors so I knew they would still spoil him even if Friday could not look after him herself for a few days.

Thaddeus and I were both lying as far away from each other as possible on Friday’s little cot which was mildly hilarious. The cot was way too small for even one of us but we were each curled up on an edge just so we could breathe in her scent. I was surprised to find the cottage so well-kept in her absence. This must have been Thaddeus’ doing.

Sleep would not come easily. My wolf was pacing back and forth. He would only be satisfied when Friday’s neck bore his mark and his seed was inside of her. I missed her too. I hoped I would not miss out on too many days with her. They were more precious than gold.

Thaddeus’ POV

Friday’s delicious scent surrounded me. My wolf enjoyed it but he was not that easily fooled. He knew the real Friday was currently in heat and the remnant of her scent prior to this would not suffice. He wanted his mate. I wanted my Friday. I gr0aned. This stupid cot was so small. Maze was very still but I knew he was awake.

“Maze?” I had no idea why I was even talking to him.

“Yeah?” He said softly.

“This s.ucks,” I grumbled.

Maze actually laughed. I had thought his sense of humour had been surgically removed or something.

“Not without endangering her,” I retorted.

“So was yours,” Maze admitted.


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