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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 34

Theo’s POV

I went through Thaddeus’ clothes. He had them surprisingly well-organised. I threw some of his shirts down off the hangers, snorting with laughter. My bro would be pissed. I would say I was frantic because Friday was screaming for his clothes. That would distract him and probably flatter him. I hoped he was doing ok. I saw a journal on the table. Yeah right. Thaddeus? Journaling? I fl!pped through it. It was empty except for the front saying To Thaddeus From Timothy and Titus. The twins had probably given him that as a joke. They were weird like that. They knew he would never use it. There was a pen with his name engraved on it. That would not remind Friday of Thaddeus.

I rummaged through his drawers. Friday’s scent was coming from the top drawer. I saw two pairs of panties. Made sense. I was careful not to touch those so I would not disrupt Friday’s scent. That would actually piss him off for sure. I found bathing suits he had bought for Friday that also smelled like her. She must have worn all of them. I made sure not to touch those. Aha! I found the picnic blanket from one of their dates he had mentioned. He had let Friday ride on his back when he was in wolf-form. That smelled like both of them and might jog some good memories. I snatched that up. I bounded towards Friday’s room. The warriors let me pass.

I walked in on an unexpected sight.

Friday was comforting a sobbing Astrid.

I shut the door.

“Hey girls,” I said sheepishly.

Astrid looked up. Mascara streaks were on her cheeks. She sniffled.

“Hey, Theo!” Said Friday as brightly as she could manage.

Even when in pain, Friday was comforting someone who used to be mean to her and trying to be cheerful with me. People did not give her enough credit for how strong she was. Werewolves could be myopic at times, only recognising physical strength. When someone physically weak was b.rave, it was more impressive to me than the courage of a warrior. That courage was backed up by b.rawn. Friday’s courage was unconditional.

I quickly handed over the T-shirt and the picnic blanket. She squealed in delight, putting on the T-shirt immediately and wrapping herself in the blanket. She giggled and then m0aned as an episode of pain hit her. She quieted as the episode subsided somewhat.

“Fang is cheating on me, isn’t he?” Astrid demanded, glaring at me.

What the-

“Who is she?!” Screeched Astrid, her eyes wild.

Friday looked at me, her eyes apologetic.

“Astrid, Fang is not cheating. I don’t think so. Not one bit,” I said, being truthful.

Fang was shady but it was not an affair. It was something else. That much I was sure of. It was something he needed to hide from everyone not just Astrid and that was more worrying.

Astrid calmed down a little. “Thanks, Beta Theodore,” she mumbled, seemingly embarrassed about her outburst now.

I put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s ok,” I murmured. “It happens to the best of us. Anxiety is a b!tch.”

Astrid snorted with laughter. She left the room just as Fang came in. Their eyes met briefly. He had no reaction to her tears. His expression was blank as though he was trying exceedingly hard not to react to something.

“Friday, here,” said Fang plainly, handing her Maze’s T-shirt and his diary and pen. Friday gave another joyful cry and put Maze’s T-shirt on too over Thaddeus’ T-shirt so now she was in three layers of clothing. She wrapped the picnic blanket around her again, cocooned in the scents of her mates. She was clutching Maze’s diary. She fl!pped through it, reading bits and pieces. She took his pen and started writing something.

Fang actually looked worried. “Hey! Maybe don’t write in it!” he grumbled.

“Maze won’t mind,” said Friday confidently. “I’m writing him a note,” she added sweetly.

Fang rolled his eyes. “Whatever, when he gets back, you say you wanted his diary to write him a note,” instructed the Beta, eyeing his Baby sister’s furious scribbling.

“FRIDAY!” Fang shouted.

“YES! OK!” Friday yelled, hiding under the picnic blanket with the journal and pen. I chuckled.

I followed Fang from the room. He seemed agitated, well, more so than usual these days.

“Everything good, Bro?” I asked as we descended the staircase to the Beta Floor.

“fvck off, Bro!” Snarled Fang.

Before I could stop myself, my wolf got the better of me. I grabbed Fang by his throat slamming him into the wall as we reached the Beta floor. Fang extricated himself from my grip and swung at me. I dodged the blow. The next swing connected with my face. I shifted. So did Fang. A Beta b.rawl was definitely not what anyone needed right now and I knew better but I was tired of his sh!t, Peace Treaty or not! I wondered if Alpha Maze and Thaddeus were trying to tear each other to shreds too.

Updated by Jobnib.com
Thaddeus’ POV

The morning dawned on a grumpy as fvck Maze because today would have been his day with Friday but instead he could look forward to a day with me. I was extra cheery even though I felt like sh!t just to annoy him. He was taking it all surprisingly well. I hoped my little Luna was ok. I had mind-linked Theo first thing in the morning only to find out that the Marigold Gamma and Athens, my warrior, had parted a wolf fight between him and Fang last night. I hoped Theo had gotten in some good blows before they broke it up. Theo said Friday was not informed of the fight so she would have less to worry about and she was eating breakfast. My little Friday. I was making breakfast too.

“Morning Maze,” I said, fl!pping a pancake in the pan.

Friday’s stove was tiny but functional.

Maze grumbled someth ing that could have been “Good Morning” or “fvck you”. I was not entirely sure.

He sat on the floor watching me fl!p pancakes.

“Theo and Fang fought yesterday,” I said nonchalantly.

Maze shrugged.

“Like a physical fight in wolf form,” I added.

Maze looked at me blankly. “Let’s go see Friday,” he said out of nowhere, looking hopeful

“Um, no, good talk, thanks for participating,” I said.

Was he out of his mind? We went over all of this yesterday. I had to remind myself that Maze was younger than I and sort of a b.rat. He was an only child with a douche for a Dad as far as I had heard, an Alpha who had not even married his Luna, none other than Friday’s mother. He had married some random girl he had no true feelings for just to select someone snobby enough for his dad to approve of. That meant Maze’s grandfather was a douche too. I had to feel a little sorry for the kid. He had no role models. I still could not excuse him for upsetting Friday near the beginning of all of this.

Maze sighed. “I know we can’t go see her,” he admitted. “Maybe her heat will last a day only because she’s wolf-less,” he added hopefully.

“The fact that she is in heat alludes to her not being wolf-less after all,” I said offhandedly, stacking the pancakes on two plates.

“I’m growing up fast,” Maze said, chuckling.

Philosophical Maze. I raised my eyebrows.


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