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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 35

Fang’s POV

I paced back and forth through my bedroom. I sighed exasperatedly. I took a deep breath. There could be more than one Felicity. The former alpha could have known a different Felicity. Ugh, I sounded like one of those wishful thinkers. I kept thinking of that dinner we had between the Fenestra family and the Mason family. The former alpha must have compared my mother to Friday and called them both beautiful like a dozen times. How dense could I be? How had I not noticed that before? I smashed the mirror we had recently replaced.

“Fang,” pleaded Astrid. “We just got a new one after you smashed the last one remember.”

I snarled. She recoiled.

“Why do you hate me all of a sudden?” Asked Astrid.

I felt a pang of guilt. I knew I was being an a.ssh0le to Astrid these days but I did not have time to baby her with everything going on right now. I had not slept at all last night after I had found that carved name in the alpha bedroom.

“I don’t hate you, Baby,” I said softly.

She was sniffling. I rolled my eyes but pulled her to me. “I have a lot on my mind,” I murmured in her ear. She was tense at first in my arms but she quickly relaxed and wrapped her arms around my torso, burying her head in my c.hest.

Who should I confront about this? Maze? That would be a mess. The former alpha himself? That would be the most dramatic person to go to. My mom? I could not face her. My dad? What if his drunkard self had no idea and I was ruining his ignorance is bliss mindset with this news. There was one other person I could ask!

I gently released Astrid. “Where are you going?” She whined.

“To check on Friday,” I said matter-of-factly.

She nodded in approval.

I found Friday scribbling in Maze’s journal again, cocooned in her mates’ clothes.

The sight of her wrapped up like a burrito actually made me smile.

“Friday?” I said .

“Morning, Fang,” said Friday, her voice sounding a little weaker than the previous day. Her eyes looked tired. She was clutching her abdomen, h.ugging herself. An episode of pain gripped her before O could ask her anything.

“Do you know anything about Mom and former Alpha Malachi being close?” I asked as nonchalantly as I could manage, even plastering a fake-a-ss smile on my face.

Friday’s POV

My heart plummeted. He knew! I knew my brother well enough to know when he was smiling on the surface but seething underneath. I did not know what to say. My brother would undoubtedly tell my father and then all hell would break loose. A sharp pain sliced through me. I gr0aned and doubled over, curling up into a ball. I needed Thaddeus and Maze.

Yes that’s exactly what we need, whined the usually stronger me as tears streamed down my cheeks.

Fang, who never ceased to be full of surprises, did the unthinkable. He gave me a break for once.

“Forget about it, for now,” he muttered, patting my head and stroking my hair. “Are the paink!llers you’re taking for the foot helping with the heat at all?”

I shook my head no. “Ok,” said Fang simply. I peaked up at him. He looked so…broken. I bit my l!p. I had never been as invested in my parents being together because I was always left out anyway but news like this would be devastating for Fang. He probably thought they had all been a happy family sans me of course. I sighed, shutting my eyes tightly.

“I’m coming back, just now, ok, Sis, don’t move!” said Fang. He was gone in a flash.

Now is our chance! Said the other me.

Our chance to do what?

To escape the pack house and get to our alphas so we can have their pups, said the tougher me as though she were explaining something like one plus one equals two.

Get up! NOW!

My foot was broken.

Is it?

I sat up on the bed. I put my cast on the ground. I just had to check. I pressed on the cast. I did not feel any pain in the foot. All the pain was in my tummy.


I hesitated.

Trust me! Trust yourself!

I stood up. I wobbled on the cast. I pressed down on it causing it to crack a little. I took a few steps. There was surprisingly no pain in my foot.

Break the cast!

I searched for something to break it with. I rummaged through my drawers. Thaddeus and Maze might have tools in their rooms. I went back to bed.

“THEO!!!” I called as loudly as I could.

Theo burst into my room like he was a cop zeroing in on a long-awaited drug bust.

“Friday! What’s wrong?!” He said, grasping me gently by the upper arms and locking eyes with me.

“I want something of Thaddeus’ to help me with my heat, please,” I whimpered.

“What is it? I’ll get it right now,” said Theo.

“No, I need to see it. I’ll only know when I see it. I have to look for it,” I said, realising how odd that sounded.

“Um,” Theo began.

“Take me to Thaddeus’ room please!” I requested.

I should have just said I wanted to be around his scent.

Theo smiled. “Why didn’t you say that before?” He scooped me up like I weighed noting and carried me to the Seven Foot Alpha’s room.

Theo placed me gently on Thaddeus’ bed. My mouth watered at how strong his scent was. I m0aned loudly before I could stop myself.

“I need a minute to myself,” I told Theo, smiling sheepishly. Theo nodded as understanding coloured his face.

As soon as he was gone, I sprang to my feet and hobbled around, going through my mate’s drawers. I found a dagger! Yes! And a pair of pliers!

I took a deep breath and gripped the outside of my cast with the pliers. I used the pliers and dagger to cut a slit in the cast. It was not easy. I was drenched in sweat by the time I was done. I slipped my foot out of the cast. I stood on it. Was it healed? I could walk on it. I was a little unsteady but not in pain.

Good girl!!

Thanks! Ugh, I was talking to myself.

Now go to the woods!

The woods?

To your cottage.

Why would I go back there?

Why do you think?

I gasped. Of course. Where else would they go where they could be far away from me but feel close to me at the same time? My cottage.

I could not go out the door. The floor was filled with patrolling warriors. I could not go out the window. Guards were watching the windows too.

Guards are watching the windows to your room! You are in Thaddeus’ room.

Inner me was a genius. I threw open a window. It was afternoon. I had thought it was morning time. I climbed onto the roof gingerly. I stood on the ledge, looking for a drain pipe or something I could use to shimmy down.


Was I insane?

No! Jump!

I looked at the ground below. It was so far down. I felt lightheaded just looking at it.


The weirdest thing happened. It was as though the inner me overrode me like a virus taking over a computer. She made me jump physically. She was in control of my body for that split-second and that was all she needed. I plummeted to the ground feet first. I had just jumped to my death! The ground rushed up to meet me. I waited for the sickening crack as I hit the hard earth. I hit the ground. My eyes were shut tightly. There was no pain.

Updated by Jobnib.com
You’re wasting time. The second day of your heat is almost over!

My eyes snapped open. I had hit the ground standing, perfectly unharmed like a cat or a…superhero or something. I ran towards the woods. I ran faster than I had ever run in my entire life. The sun was already setting. The fading light weaved in and out between the thick canopy above. I was running barefoot but I was pain-free. I felt good. Very good. Vital.

I was panting when I got to the cottage. I doubled over, putting my palms against my knees, my c.hest heaving. I was not as vital as I thought.

They know we’re here! Purred the inner me in delight.

My stomach clenched. My flower started weeping in anticipation. My heart raced. I tried to keep my breathing even. I walked on shaky legs up to the front door of my cottage.

Maze’s POV

Thaddeus and I had found a deck of cards and decided to play but he did not know any Marigold card games and I did not know any Berryndale ones so we had to teach each other.

“This one is really simple,” I told him, sitting cross-legged on the floor across from him. “You have to play the same value card as me so if I put down a three for example, I’d say got any threes and if you don’t have any threes, then I can say Go Fish meaning go look for a three in the pack.”

“Isn’t that the same as Draw the Well Dry?” Asked Thaddeus while shuffling the deck.

“I don’t know that one,” I said, stroking my chin.

“Oh wait no, never mind, it’s now. In that game you a.ssign higher values to face cards so like you have to put down one card if your opponent puts down a Jack, two for a Queen, three for a King and four for an Ace. And you’re trying to end up with all of the cards to win but in your game you want to end up with no cards,” mused Thaddeus.

We still had not decided on a game.

“Do you guys play Blackjack in Marigold?” Asked Thaddeus.

Thaddeus stopped talking too. This was impossible. Friday’s smell wafted into the cottage. Not the remnant of her regular smell. Her heat smell. Almost as though she were…

Maze was a mass of raw emotions. He was eyeing her foot. I knew he was wondering if it had healed over night because she perhaps had a wolf. He ran his fingers through her tousled waves absentmindedly, not saying anything.

“Is she ok?” He asked me, watching me elicit some passive range of motion from her.

Friday’s POV

I rolled my eyes.


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