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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 523

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 523 Had It Figured Out 

Lysander deeply gazed at him for a moment, then pulled out her phone and took a number herself

The one holding the consultation that day was someone familiar to her

Squeezing out a smile. Lysander greeted, Dr. Arman, it’s been a while.” 

Arman adjusted his glasses. Dr. Thorne? When I first saw the patient’s name, I thought it was a coincidence. I didn’t expect it to really be you.” 

Sitting across the table, Lysander replied, There can’t be that many people sharing the same name.” 

A slight change crossed Josiah’s expression, who was standing off to the side

Arman had worked with Lysander in the same hospital before and had heard a thing or two about her personal life. He hesitated, asking. And this is?” 

Lysander’s expression remained unchanged. A friend.” 

Josiah didn’t argue and began to describe her condition. She started feeling unwell yesterday, and after breakfast today, she unexplainably threw up several times. Could you please take a look at her?” 

I see,said Arman without further inquiries. He dutifully began to prepare a prescription for Lysander and conduct a checkup

The results came out quite swiftly

Arman pondered, All your readings are normal, and your digestive system seems quite healthy. The cause of your vomiting is likely not a physical issue, but rather a psychological one.” 

As fellow doctors, Lysander naturally understood what he meant

Josiah asked, A psychological issue?” 

Arman waved his hands dismissively. It’s not as serious as you think. It’s just stressinduced vomiting. The stomach is an emotional organ, after all. If Dr. Thorne can manage to worry less and rest more, she should recover quickly.” 

Josiah experienced a minor déjà vu when he heard that

Lysander nodded. I’ve been pretty busy lately, but I’ll do my best.” 

Then, I’ll prescribe you some stressrelieving supplement to boost your energy and improve your sleep. After a period of adjustment, along with a nutritious diet and ample rest, you should be fine. As a doctor yourself, you’re well aware of how to take care of your health, so I won’t belabor the point,” said Arman

All right. Thank you, Dr. Arman” 

Throughout the entire process, Josiah remained mostly silent. He paid the fees and then went to the pharmacy to pick up the traditional medicine prescribed by Arman. Afterward, he carefully escorted Lysander out of the hospital

Upon returning to the hotel, it was already dusk


Chapter 523 Had It Figured Out 

After seeing Lysander off, Josiah returned to his room to pick up Aurora, who he had previously entrusted to the care of the hotel staff

Aurora was peacefully sleeping in the stroller

Lysander came over for a look and saw that Aurora’s complexion was rosy. In the latter’s sleep, she would occasionally smile and smack her lips, clearly indicating she was wellfed and content. Seeing that, Lysander returned to her room, her mind at ease

A massive pile of documents that Aiden had sent was still waiting for her to review

In the past couple of days, it had been one thing after another with Lysanne and Tiffany, and to top it all off, she wasn’t feeling well herself. That had already caused a delay of two days

Lysander thought, When Ms. Lionhart returns tomorrow, I’ll have to assist Daphne with the investment matters. If I don’t buckle down, I’ll really run out of time. 

At some point, Josiah had followed her over. As she was about to close the door, he stopped her, gently saying. Stop worrying. You should rest now,” 

Lysander pointed toward the documents on the living room coffee table. I’ll take a look at these before going to sleep” 

You’ve been busy all day and haven’t eaten anything yet.Josiah replied earnestly. Arman mentioned you need to eat properly” 

Lysander didn’t reply

Let’s go,” he suggested, leading the way. I’ll have someone bring up the food. Besides, Aurora will wake up soon, and I won’t be able to handle it alone.” 

Lysander remained still

Josiah had already stepped through the door ahead of her, picking up the documents on the table. Then, he came back to lead her inside.. 

Just as he was about to touch her hand, he hesitated

He slowly let down his hand, refraining from touching her anymore. Let’s go.” 

Upon returning to his room, Josiah hurried to the bedside to check on Aurora. Seeing that she had woken up at some point and was stretching her arms and legs in an attempt to kick off her little blanket, he set aside the documents he was holding and bent down to pick her up. Awake already? Feeling hungry?” 

Aurora was in a good mood, not fussing even though she couldn’t find her mother. Instead, she nestled comfortably in his arms, her big eyes flickering as she looked toward Lysander

Lysander walked over and gently caressed Aurora’s soft little face, whispering, She must have just taken at short nap. Such sleep is usually light.” 

Josiah picked up Aurora’s bottle, mixed it with warm water, and fed her

As Aurora was sipping water, her eyes remained fixated on Lysander. She babbled a few words in her baby talk that no one could understand


23:53 Sun, 9 Jun 

Chapter 523 Had It Figured Out 

Every time Lysander faced Aurora, she felt a softness in her heart. She gently stroked Aurora’s back. ensuring the latter wouldn’t choke while drinking water

It seemed as though Aurora was somewhat discontented, persistently leaning toward the direction of the 

main door

Josiah didn’t quite understand and asked Lysander, Does she want to go out?” 

Lysander didn’t really understand either

In the end, Josiah found the female employee who had helped take care of Aurora during the day and asked her a few questions

The female employee chuckled and said, This child is quite lively. She must be feeling bored cooped up in the room. She probably wants to go out and play.” 

Lysander glanced outside, noticing the sky gradually darkening 

Josiah noticed, too. I’ll take her for a stroll in the garden downstairs, We won’t go far.” 

The female employee chimed in playfully, Mr. Guerra, why don’t you go with your wife? I mean, you’re a man and surely isn’t attentive as the mother.” 


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