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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 524

Chapter 524 Pride Of Man 

Lysander didn’t have a large appetite, so she was full after eating a bit at the restaurant

Upon arriving at the garden and taking in a few breaths of the refreshing air, she felt significantly more 


The evening is a bit chilly, but the air is rich in oxygen. You should take a walk outside. It’ll clear your head before you return to your study.Josiah held Aurora, leisurely sharing the wealth of experience he had accumulated over years of work

Lysander responded, This seems like a question from a middle school geography test.” 

Josiah nodded in agreement. That’s right. As a doctor, you should be able to understand such a basic principle.” 

Lysander struggled a bit, attempting to pull back the hand he was holding. I’m feeling all right now, so I’ll head back first. You continue to have fun with Aurora.” 

The force of her struggle was gentle, and Josiah’s arm moved only slightly. However, Aurora, being cradled in his other arm, sensed the motion and became restless, squirming and reaching out with her tiny arm

Lysander quickly lent a hand

Aurora moved closer to her, just like in the morning, babbling, Mommy

As the better part of the day passed, she was already able to articulate that word quite clearly

Josiah tightened his arms, securely holding Aurora in his embrace

With wideeyed anticipation, Aurora gazed at Lysander. The baby’s large eyes were welling up with tears as if she was on the brink of crying any second

Lysander’s heart softened, and she reached out, pulling the baby into her arms. Sweetheart, don’t cry!” 

Aurora behaved even better in Lysander’s arms than when held by Josiah, instantly breaking into a smile. Aurora began to look around with great interest at the colorful lights that had lit up around them

Beside the flower bed, a string of twinkling decorative lights was hung, which was quite captivating for 


Lysander, cradling Aurora, began to stroll around the flower bed leisurely

Josiah also followed them closely, matching their pace. As they stepped onto the cobblestone path, he cautioned, Watch your step

Lysander quickened her pace, sidestepping that short flight of stairs

The night was serene. Everything seemed peaceful

Gazing at Aurora’s smiling face, Josiah remarked with a touch of emotion, She really seems to like you.” 

Lysander gently touched Aurora’s soft little hand. She likes her mom. Just like Ms. Lionhart, I have long hair. Children at this age are still developing and can easily mistake one person for another.” 


Chapter 524 Pride of Man 

Whenever matters related to the child were brought up, both of them seemed to exude a certain degree of melancholy

Alas, the past cannot be changed

When Lysander started talking about Aurora’s mother, the conversation naturally shifted toward Nieva. I truly admire Ms. Lionhart. Even though she didn’t marry a good man and her married life was a mess, she still had the courage to have a baby and raise her daughter on her own. IFin not as brave as her

The scars that had never truly healed in her heart began to throb faintly

She envied such bravery that she never had

Your situation isn’t the same as Nieva’sJosiali’s voice involuntarily softened as he spoke, his gaze distant, The Lionhart family is her safety net. Even if she were to make a mistake, the cost of failure would be limited. Besides, her relationship with Elio is different from ours 

Lysander didn’t notice any difference and casually asked, Is it because we’re already divorced, but they’re 

Josiah explained with a rather steady demeanor, They can’t separate in the short term. The interests of the Lionhart family have already tied them together. Even if they can’t stand each other, they have to endure the disgust and carry on. They have to play the part of a loving couple in front of the media, no matter how much they have to fake it.” 

Lysander empathetically said, Ms. Lionhart deserves a better life that truly belongs to her, rather than being stuck in this quagmire.” 

Josiah didn’t voice his opinion on Nieva and Elio’s marital status. In a deep voice, he continued with the previous topic. What I meant by differentrefers to our attitudes. My greatest wish now is to live a good. life with you. However, Elio’s biggest wish is to never have to see Nieva and Aurora again.” 

Lysander was somewhat puzzled. He doesn’t even want to see his own child again?” 

Josiah paused, his voice somewhat somber. Perhaps, to him, this child represented shame.” 

I don’t quite understand.” 

Josiah said, Elio actually bears some resemblance to Zachary, He’s ambitious and capable, but he’s also quite forthright. When he decided to marry Nieva, it was clear that he saw her family’s status as a stepping stone to fulfill his ambitions. He was very transparent about that before their marriage, not hiding anything at all.” 

Ms. Lionhart was willing to marry him under such circumstances?” 

Josiah was at a loss for words to describe the initial predicament of Nieva. All he could say was, Everyone has their own pursuits, and in the end, I suppose they got what they were looking for.” 

If Elio have already gotten what he wants, why would he consider Aurora a disgrace?” 

Because of a man’s pride.” 

Lysander understood

When Elio had nothing, he was willing to trade marriage for a chance at a better future


Chapter 524 Pride Of Man 

Though he had what he wanted, everyone knew that he had climbed to his position by relying on the Lionhart family, specifically Nieva. His male pride led him to redirect his resentment toward Nieva and their child

As long as Nieva and Aurora existed, the fact that he relied on his inlaws to carve his path would forever be a scar on him

Josiah spoke with subtlety, but Lysander understood his words clearly

She just hadn’t expected that Nieva, who always seemed so carefree, could have once loved someone to such an extent, willing to endure such humiliation


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