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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 581

Chapter 581 She Is Single Now 


+5 Pearls 

Harborbrook Fifth High School had a long history. If traced back, it started as a girlsschool during the midtwentieth century

Over time, it underwent many changes and was eventually managed by the government and renamed Harborbrook Fifth High School

It had a history spanning over a hundred years

Daphne had already called her about this matter last month, emphasizing that the onehundredand- thirtieth anniversary of the school’s founding was a significant event

Their exclass representative called everyone early on to notify them, urging all who could come back to make an effort

After all, most of the teachers who had taught them were nearing retirement, and this might be the last major event they could participate in together

Lysander attended the school for six years, three in middle school and three in high school, and had fond memories of every part of it

When she arrived, Daphne had already been waiting at the school gate for a while

Upon meeting. Daphne complained, Not having a car is so inconvenient. It takes me just ten minutes to drive here from home, but today, it took nearly an hour by bus!” 

Lysander asked, Why didn’t you take a taxi?” 

Daphne chuckled, I’m trying to save money. The money Ms. Lionhart gave me has to be spent wisely. I can’t betray her trust! By the way, did the class representative tell you that you’re supposed to give a speech as an outstanding alumna?” 

Not only did the class representative tell me, but Mr. Calderon also sent me a message.” 

Feeling proud, Daphne put her arm around Lysander’s shoulders. Who could blame them? Back then, Mr. Owen liked you the most. He always said you were a good candidate for Harfush University or Apex University. Who knew that incident would happen? It’s my fault. I dragged you down. Otherwise, you would have gone to Apex University.” 

You can’t really put it that way. Sometimes, it’s just like they say, life’s full of unexpected turns. Remember when you were so distraught, one moment wanting to jump off a building, the next off into the sea? I had to keep a close eye on you. I couldn’t just stand by and let you harm yourself, could I?

Daphne whimpered, Lysander, I’ve always felt guilty about it over the years. In some way, it was because of me that you… 

It’s been over ten years. Talking about it now is pointless. Besides, I like studying medicine. Even if I had gotten into Apex University, I would have probably gone to medical school, and I’d still end up as a doctor. Different paths lead to the samé destination.” 

Hearing this, Daphne felt a bit better

They strolled leisurely along the campus paths


10:57 Thu, 20 Jun G. 

Chapter 581 She Is Single Now 

However, Lysander was reminded of something


5 Pearls 

H’asn? Josiah an undergraduate at Apex University? He wanted to go to university in Apez City with Lysanne, so he didn’t choose to study abroad. Yet, he stayed, and Lysanne left. She not only left but also got married and had children abroad. How did he feel when he heard the news

Daphne walked toward the academic building, feeling nostalgic. We never had such luck during our school days. Having a day off for the school celebration! Look at these windows and doors; they’re all new.” 

Yeah, students now have it much better than we did.” 

Just then, a middleaged man with a slight bald patch called out to them, Lysander, Harper!” 

Lysander instinctively responded, Mr. Calderon.” 

Daphne nudged her. He’s the principal now.” 

Lysander was a bit surprised but thought it made sense

Throughout his life, Noah Calderon had dedicated himself to educating others. With ample experience and a strong reputation, he was unquestionably qualified to take on the role of a principal

Mr. Calderon,” 

Noah laughed heartily. It’s been many years. You became a doctor, so why can’t I get promoted?” 

Of course, you were already a statelevel outstanding teacher back then. Becoming a principal was just a matter of time,” 

Tsk 1sk, Lysander, you used to be such a quiet kid. I haven’t seen you in years, and you’ve learned to flatter like a pro 

Lysander spread her hands and said, Mr. Calderon, you may not be aware, but the relationship between doctors and patients is currently strained. Being a doctor requires emotional intelligence these days.” 

Noah laughed even more heartily. Oh, you, Lysander. It’s perfect timing that you’re back. I need you to help me out here and guide your junior classmates. The college entrance exams are fast approaching, and all they seem to care about is having fun. It’s stressing me out to the point where my hair’s turning white.” 

Mr. Calderon, you said the same thing when we were in our senior year. Your hair is still quite black after all these years.” 

Noah whispered, It’s dyed. My wife insisted I do it to look younger.” 

Lysander nodded earnestly. Mr 

Calderon is right.” 

Okay, stop flattering my wife. Get ready to show these kids what our outstanding alumni can do!” 

The celebration ceremony was for the whole school. Since the auditorium couldn’t hold everyone, it was held on the school’s largest synthetic field. All the hosts and speakers on stage were outstanding alumni

On stage, from the host to the guest speakers, all roles were filled by distinguished alumni

When it was Lysander’s turn to take the stage, it elicited a wave of gasps from the audience below



Chapter 581 She Is Single Now 

+5 Pearls 

The previous alumni speakers were either wornout programmers or middleaged businessmen, all successful in their fields but not very engaging to the students

Finally, a young, beautiful alumma appeared, instantly captivating everyone, especially the male alumni in the front row, who started to stir

Which batch is this beauty from?” 

One year below us. I know her. She was a famous genius in high school.” 

Is she married? Is she married?” 

If she’s one year below us, she isn’t that young anymore. And she’s so pretty, so I guess she’s probably already taken.” 

Daphne happened to be seated in the row closest to the students. When Lysander got onto the stage, she clapped even more enthusiastically

She even stoked their curiosity. She’s single now.” 

The commotion grew louder

Feeling delighted, Daphne gave Lysander a thumbsup

Lysander was dressed simply, her face bare of any makeup. Her long hair was casually draped over her back. When she stood on the stage, she didn’t seem much older than the high school student passing the microphone

After thanking them with a slight smile, she began her speech in a manner entirely different from the previous few alumni

Let me introduce myself. My name is Lysander Thorne, I graduated from Harborbrook Fifth High School ten years ago and went on to study at Harborbrook Medical University. I am now working in the obstetrics and gynecology department at Central Hospital” 

Harborbrook Medical University was one of the best in the city, and its medical program was notoriously competitive. Combined with the prestigious Central Hospital, her credentials were immediately impressive

Earlier, the high school students who were discussing her appearance simultaneously let out a collective wow

Noah led the applause from below the stage

Lysander had memorized her speech by heart and began to improvise a bit


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