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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 582

The Charming ExWife 


Chapter 582 1 Was Married Once 

Noah saw the positive response to the speech and didn’t stop it. After Lysander finished, he added a Q&A- 


The students were exceptionally enthusiastic

Lysander first pointed to a nearby girl who looked shy and quiet

Hello, Ms. Thome.” Seeing her encouraging gaze, the girl plucked up her courage to ask, How do you manage to speak in front of so many people without feeling nervous?” 

Lysander blinked and chuckled. Well, I do get nervous sometimes. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have prepared my speech in advance.” 

A nearby student exclaimed, Ms. Thorne, even someone as capable as you need to prepare in advance?” 

The girl continued, Ms. Thorne, can you tell us how to become an excellent doctor? Or recommend some professional books?” 

Lysander considered her question. It’s a bit early for that now. We can talk about that after the college entrance exam when you’ve decided on your future path.” 

The following questions from students became bolder

Someone asked about the brand of Lysander’s coat, prompting her to casually take it off and display it. I suggest buying during offseason sales. I got mine at a thirty percent discount, so it should be cheaper 


As teenage girls were interested in fashion, they noted her outfit, preparing to study it after the college

entrance exam

Amidst the lively atmosphere, a male student, encouraged by his peers, blushed and asked, Ms. Thorne, you’re so beautiful and talented. Do you have a boyfriend now?” 

Laughter erupted around him, accompanied by some teasing

Clearly, compared to those mundane and dull questions, everyone preferred hearing the juicy gossip

The male student’s homeroom teacher interjected angrily, Stop asking your senior these inappropriate questions!” 

Just asking… 

What’s the point? Will she be interested in you?” 

That’s hard to say.” 

You wish” 

The homeroom teacher was so furious that he raised his hand to strike, yet his hand gently descended without making contact

The student made exaggerated sounds, provoking laughter from everyone


07:59 Fri, 21 Jun We 

Chapter 582 I Was Married Once 


The young man was seated toward the front, a sight that didn’t escape Lysander. She couldn’t help but break into a slight smile

I got married.” 

Her words were drowned out by murmurs of surprise from the audience

See, I told you. Beauties are rare resources that don’t circulate in society.” 

Ah, such a pity” 

Lysander paused for a moment, then continued into the receiver, finishing the sentence that had been drowned out earlier. But I’m divorced now.” 

This time, the commotion from the audience was even greater than before. Seeing that they couldn’t control the situation, the homeroom teachers from each grade simply let them make noise

Lysander took charge of maintaining order. Any other questions?” 

The students were particularly obedient even though it was their first time seeing Lysander

Immediately, someone stood up and asked, Yes! Did you have a boyfriend back in high school, Ms. Thorne?” 

Actually, no.” 

Was it because you didn’t like anyone, or were the teachers strict?” 

Both, I guess 

Ms. Thorne, then your husbandsorry, exhusband, was he your first love?” 

Meanwhile, Josiah was walking with the dean under the pergola on the side of the playground when he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He turned his head toward the noisy main stage

After a brief scan, locked eyes on Lysander, who was patiently waiting for the studentsastonishment to subside

A few school leaders surrounding Josiah recognized Lysander

With a proud expression, one of them introduced her, Mr. Guerra, the person speaking on stage is one of our outstanding graduates named Lysander Thorne. Don’t be fooled by her young age as she’s very successful. She entered medical school with top scores. I could already see her future success when I was her teacher.” 

Josiah’s brows twitched slightly, his’expression seemingly unchanged as he responded, I see.” 

The dead thought the introduction lacked weight and added, Her academic performance has always been excellent. After the college entrance exam, she brought honor to our school by winning the top scholarship in the city. The scholarship fund you’ve set up this time is to help students like her from less privileged backgrounds. It’s contributing to the whole society!” 

I just don’t want to see talented students go unnoticed.” 

Josiah turned slightly. facing the direction of the playground with a distant gaze


Chapter 582 I Was Married Once 



The school leaders around him noticed his interest in the ceremony and quickly led him toward the field

As the current major donor of Fifth High School, it was only natural for Josiah to sit in the front row beside Noah. This placed him directly in front of Daphine


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