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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 650

The Charming ExWife 


Chapter 650 Sleeping Together 

Her breathing was steady she had already fallen asleep



She seemed to always have a great quality of sleep. No matter how difficult the circumstances were, she could fall asleep quickly

It could also have been related to the nature of her job. Whether it was during her time at Central Hospital or now, at the health center in the village, her workload was always quite heavy

He recalled a time when he had unintentionally caught a glimpse of Lysander’s daily step count on her stepcounter. It was usually around thirty to forty thousand steps a day, and on particularly busy days, it could even reach fifty thousand steps

This was not even including the several hours she would have to spend standing by the operating table

Being a doctor wasn’t like any other job. It demanded absolute focus, a thousand times more than usual. It was incredibly draining, both mentally and physically

No wonder she always had such good quality sleep

Seemingly aware of his gaze, Lysander slowly opened her eyes. As she turned her head, she met his tender look

Can’t you sleep?” 

Josiah immediately closed his eyes. I can.” 

Then hurry up and sleep.” 


Lysander turned over, sinking back into the depths of a dreamless sleep

At the stroke of midnight

Lysander woke up unexpectedly from her sleep. She intended to simply turn over and continue sleeping, –but subconsciously, she glanced across the room

The small window in the dormitory was somewhat drafty. No matter how tightly the curtain was drawn before sleep, as soon as the wind started outside, a corner would inevitably be blown up, allowing the moonlight to naturally seep through

Under the moonlight, Lysander could clearly see Josiah lying in a very peculiar position. His brows were tightly knitted, indicating some discomfort

She rose to her feet, donning her coat to take a closer look

Josiah, are you okay?” 

There was no response; it seemed he really had fallen asleep. However, his pose was quite peculiar, with both hands resting on his abdomen. His expression too, appeared somewhat unsettled


08:52 Sat, 29 Jun 

Chapter 650 Sleeping Together 



Lysander recalled how he had been vomiting next to the field ridge, to the point of sweating profusely. Concerned, she reached out to touch his forehead and was immediately met with a burning heat

D*mn it, he must’ve caught a cold from the chilly wind

Rather than wallowing in regret, Lysander quickly assessed the situation. She rummaged through the dormitory’s firstaid kit, pulling out some gastric medicine and fever reducers. She then gently shook him awake, whispering, Josiah, wake up.” 

Josiah opened his eyes, responding in a groggy voice, What’s wrong?” 

Seeing him in such a daze, Lysander had no choice but to give him another push. You’re running a fever.” 

Upon hearing these words, Josiah furrowed his brows, reaching up to touch his own forehead. I don’t think so?” 

His voice sounded nasally when he spoke, a clear sign of a congested nose. His throat also hurt

Besides that, he was having a mild case of gastric

Get up and take your medicine.” 

Lysander seized the opportunity to help him sit up, then promptly handed him both types of medicine and water. He looked as if he was still halfasleep, his gaze foggy and distant. But whatever she asked him to do, he complied obediently, being incredibly wellbehaved

Aren’t you going to ask me what kind of medicine I gave you?” 

I trust in your medical skills,” mumbled Josiah thickly. He then wrapped himself in the blanket and lay back down

Lysander attempted to cover him up more securely, hoping to prevent a recurrence of his illness when he woke up the next morning. However, the blanket was only so long, and no matter how much she tugged, there were parts she couldn’t cover. Left with choice, she had to use her outerwear to cover those areas


Josiah seemed to sense something as he caught Lysander’s hand, which was covering him with a blanket. Cold,” he said

Lysander tried to pull away but couldn’t. Left with no other option, she gently said, You need to let go first, then I can get you another blanket.” 

Josiah released his grip

Lysander fetched the quilt from her own bed, draping it over his lower body. Following that, she ensured to tuck in the edges tightly under him, leaving no room for a draft to get in

All right, sleep now.” 

People who were ill inevitably became more vulnerable than usual. She could empathize with Josiah’s feelings currently, so she was very patient with him

Yet, what he asked next was, You gave me your blanket, so what will you use?” 

I’ll borrow someone else’s blanket for now.” 


Chapter 650 Sleeping Together 

Isn’t it a bit improper to use someone else’s blanket?” 

Things aren’t so formal here.” 





Josiah said, It’s still a bit chilly.” 

Lysander reasoned with him, You’re feeling cold because you have a fever, but we can’t pile on more blankets. That would only make your fever worse.” 

Okay.He obediently nodded. With eyes closed, he uttered in a shaky voice, Why don’t you come up and sleep too? If I hold you, I won’t be cold…” 

Lysander was instantly taken aback

Nonetheless, after Josiah finished speaking, he closed his eyes tightly and remained still. His forehead was still burning hot to the touch. Rather than saying he was taking advantage of his illness to push boundaries, it seemed more like he was talking nonsense due to his high fever

In the end, Lysander was genuinely concerned for Josiah’s wellbeing. After much deliberation, she decided to wrap herself in her own coat, then lay down next to him in her clothes

She drifted in a state of semisleep when she suddenly found herself fully enveloped in a comforting 


His burning chest pressed up against her back, the blanket that had been warmed by him enveloping her before a strong arm wrapped around her waist

He was ill, devoid of any strength. He didn’t intend to do anything, but subconsciously, he pulled her closer to himself. His forehead rested on the top of her hair, his reathing shallow as he murmured, Sleep.” 

The following morning, as per usual, Lysander woke up according to her biological clock. The moment she opened her eyes, she found himself facing his flushed face


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