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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 


When Dominic smirks at me. I hold my breath, wondering what’s going through his head. I’m hoping he doesn’t point it out that I was staring at his lips, because I definitely was

For a few more seconds, he says nothing but only stares at me with the same smirk. It makes me so nervous that I can’t even look at him anymore

But even after I look to the side, I can still feel his eyes on me. He’s doing this on purpose

When I can’t take it anymore, I attempt to push him away since my body’s trapped by the palms of his hands resting on the 


As soon as I hold onto his wrists, the palms of his hands slip on the silky sheets, making him fall right on top of me. The pressure of his body against mine extends to my calf, which hits against the edge of the bed and I hiss loudly

He instantly gets off and I groan 

It hurts,I whimper

Try not to move,he says firmly, crouching down right in front of me

The moment I sit up and look down at him, he holds onto my leg and says, “Don’t do shit like that again” 

“I didn’t do anything 

You were trying to push me away?” 

Yes, because you

Because I what? Go on! Say itHe’s mocking me right now. It’s clear from his smirk

Too embarrassed to even say it, I press my lips together and look away. || 

I better take you back downstairs to your precious motherinlaw 

He scoops me up bridal style again and takes me downstairs using the elevator

With my hand resting on his chest for support, I feel his racing heart, which is similar to mine

I can’t believe he caught me staring at his lips. As much as I don’t want to think about it, that moment just sticks with me. I can’t wait to be out of this small space with him

When we’re back downstairs, he places me next to my motherinlaw again and we instantly begin to chat about everything that I like about the house

Dominic sits right next to me, firmly holding my hand like a supportive husband. He holds my hand for so long that this almost feels genuine

Now that you’re back in town, I can give you my present.” My motherinlaw says. I want you to come with me and see it with your own eyes

Tru so curious that I lean toward her with enthusiasm and say, Then take me right now

Not in this condition, my child. You won’t be able to stomp your feet the way I’ve imagined you.” 


Chapter 18 

Do I get a wedding gift too? Dominic chimes in

You, my son, get nothing. This is only for my daughterinlaw. She’s special” 

He scoffs but she takes no offense. It’s because she assumes he’s just being playful with it, but I know he meant that scoff

“Why didn’t you ever go into photography, my son? The pictures were amazing! We would’ve gotten more of these had you still been on that Island. You two look so good together

After she takes out her phone and starts scrolling, I can’t help but feel nervous and still embarrassed. I even feel my cheeks burn, especially when I think about what happened upstairs 

Once she starts going through the pictures she liked the most, including some clips, I can’t look away when it’s the one of Dominic and I kissing passionately. The taste of his lips is still so fresh in my mind. I didn’t expect to feel that way, but I did and now it seems like Lean’t forget

When I look up at him, I hold my breath when I realize he’s been staring down at me

Quickly, I clear my throat as I look away from him, paying attention only to my motherinlaw

You know what?She turns more enthusiastic as she puts her phone away. There are so many more vacations to come. You should actually make plans with Sophie.” 

Dominic’s younger sister and I have rarely spent time together. She has a busy life in the beauty industry. A vacation would definitely give us time to bond even more

Since my motherinlaw’s only urgently needed for a women’s conference in the evening, she decides to spend most of her day with us

As the hours go by, Dominic keeps acting like a loving and caring husband. He’s rarely left my side, which I know annoys him

He’s also been frequently checking his phone and I’m sure it’s because of Carmella. He tries to hide how pissed he is but I can see it. Maybe he hasn’t heard from her since the time he spoke to her while I was on the bed

Finally, his phone rings and I see the relief in his face as he excuses himself

My motherinlaw has no problem with him leaving because for the most part, he’s been by my side

While I wish he believed that it wasn’t my intention to keep him away from Carmella, I hope he doesn’t do anything to get back at me, because I won’t just let it happen


As soon as I’m right outside, I pick up Carmella’s call 

Babe, you finally called me back.” My eyes are glued to the entrance in case my mother follows me. “Everything okay!” 

What do you think? Isn’t it obvious? I’ve been ignoring your calls since you stood me up today” 

I shake my head with a sigh. Are you home?” 

I arrived several hours ago

Why didn’t you tell me?” 

*I didn’t feel like talking to you.” 


Chapter 18 

“I guess you feel like talking to me now.I chuckle. Hey, I’ll make it up to you as soon as my mother leaves

Why the hell is she still there? Does she have nothing else to do with her life!” 

Hey, watch the tone and the way you speak about my mother.” I warn her

“Oh, come on, I was just saying-” 

“It doesn’t matter. Not my mother.” 

Fine. What time do you think she’ll leave!” 

Probably within the next thirty minutes since it’s already evening. And then I can come over there and make it up to you.” 

She chuckles flirtatiously. Tll be waiting for you. Don’t stand me up again.” 

After talking for a few more seconds, the call ends and I lick my lips as I think about her. This is it. I can finally be with her

It’s all Vanessa’s fault that we’ve been apart all day

I think she needs to say something to my mother so she can leave much sooner. Quickly, I send her a message of something she should say to my mother in a few minutes

Once the message is sent. I head back inside and sit next to Vanessa again

The moment she looks at me, I give her a light nod to do it

She reaches for my mother’s hand and says, Thanks for spending so much time with me. I feel so much better now.” 

Are you sure, my dear!” 

Vanessa nods with a smile

When it seems that my mother is about to reach for her leg. I panic because if Vanessa screams, my mother might even leave tomorrow

Ill be fine. It’s alright


At Vanessa’s quick assurance, my mother sits up again and nods

I guess I’ll check on you tomorrow. I do have matters to attend to after all and I should be on my way now.” 

Just hearing her say that brings me so much relief and I can’t wait for her to leave

With my hand over her shoulder. I walk her outside to one of my cars which will take her home

While the car door is kept open for her by a bodyguard, she gently reaches for my hand

Please take good care of my dear Vanessa, just like you have done today” 

You know

you’ve made that request several times but remember that she’s my wife. Of course I’ll take care of her.” 

She giggles. I know 

ay to Cannella

Once she leaves, it’s time for me to be on my way 

As soon as return inside the house. I don’t even look at Vanessa 

1 head upstairs, change my clothes and reach for a specific set of car keys among many. This time, I’m driving myself 

11:35 Thu, Jul 4 u to 

Chapter 18 

I still need to wait a few more minutes before I can leave. The last thing I want is my mother spotting my familiar car

In those few minutes of waiting, I return downstairs and sit on the other couch to speak to Vanessa

The next time you’re injured, make sure I’m not around. That way, when you call my parents, I don’t have to be stuck with you” 

You make it sound like there’s going to be a next time for this to happen to me.” 

There might be. 111 be leaving soon so again, choose your bedroom, except the master bedroom. That one’s mine.” 

She raises her eyebrows at me. I already know that so there’s no need to remind me.” 

There she goes again, giving me that attitude after everything I’ve done for her today, despite having to pretend for the most 


Have you 

Not yet” 

heard anything about Penelope? Her voice and expression soften

I can’t help but worry. Shouldn’t she be awake by now?” 

Maybe she just needs more time.” 

Just then, I receive a message from my fatherinlaw, asking how Vanessa’s doing 

It seems he’s only going to trust me and everything I say

As I reply to him. I find myself glancing at her, wondering just how much she usually hides her pain from people


it once again, I remind myself that it’s

it’s none of my business, I shouldn’t even care. In fact, I don’t

What are you looking at? She narrows her eyes at me

Definitely not you.” 


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