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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 20


Chapter 20 


As I stop the engine, Carmella pokes out her hip, crosses her arms and impatiently taps her foot

I shake my head lightly as I unbuckle my seatbelt. This won’t be anything like smooth sailing

Babe,I say to her, shutting the car door as I step out

Don’t call me that She purses her lips, still tapping her foot

Getting closer to her, I nod to myself at the expected response from her. “I knew you’d say something like that.” 

If you knew I would, why did you bother calling me that?” 

Because that’s who you are to me.” 

When I stop right in front of her and try to reach for her hand. She pulls it back and looks to the side. It’s obvious she’s still mad at me. I need to make her understand all this

Look, about what happened at the hospital-” 

I don’t even want to hear it!She places the palm of her hand inny face, as if to block out the sight of me

Can you at least listen to what I have to say?” 

NoShe drops her hand, finally letting me see her face that’s turned red from how furious sp all of this!” 

That bitch is to blame for 

From the first time I met Vanessa in that suite up until this point there have been several moments she’s grown holder and more daring. I can’t even get over how I was unable to pick up Cannella from the airport in the morning because of my parents coming over

She obviously enjoyed making me do things for her and keeping me away from Carmella

That being said, this is a different situation and this is one of the few times I need to make Carmella understand

“While I wish that were true,I pause as I get closer and place my hand on her shoulder to calm her down, Vanessa has nothing to do with what happened to Jimmy” 

Oh, please! Don’t even start with thatShe grunts irritatingly as she steps back and pushes my hand off her shoulder. How is she not to blame for this?” 

As ridiculous as this will get, I’m curious to hear what she has to say about Vanessa. I cross my arms, being patient with her

Giving her a nod, I say, Fine, tell me why she’s to blame.” 

Can’t you see it? These accidents have only happened whenever want to be with you. First, it was her own stupid leg and now it’s this boy!” 

I already told you that his name’s Jimmy.” 

I don’t care what his name is. She planned everything just to keep us apart.” 

Whatever you’re thinking, again, Vanessa’s not at fault here. Lego inside and just calm down. It’s been a crazy three hours for me.” 


Chapter 20 

Because you chose to go to the freaking hospital instead of coming to me?” 

Can you have some compassion? Jimmy was badly injured and for a moment, I didn’t know what was going to happen to him. You should’ve seen the way he-” 

“I don’t give a shit about him!” 

After she yells it out, I tilt my head in disbelief, taking a few steps back as I process it. She doesn’t take it back and stands on it her expression evident of that and right now, I’m so disappointed 

Did you just say that?1 sigh heavily 

Yes, I really don’t give a shit about him. What do I have to do with that little boy? This whole shit ruined our night together! We were supposed to celebrate, but instead, you chose to go to him. Is he more important than me?” 

For as long as I can remember, she’s never seemed too enthusiastic about the orphanage and children’s hospital. Each time.. I’ve only let it go because she never said it out loud, but now that she’s done it, I have a wave of emotions running through me right now

Well? Are you just going to stand there? Answer me! Is that boy to important that you chose to go to him first? Couldn’t the doctors and nurses take care of him?” 

Facing the pavement. I take out my car keys and unlock the car. I don’t think I should be here right now, How could you say such a thing?I’m unable to hide my disappointment as I look up at her

As soon as I begin to approach the car, she rushes to me and holds onto my arm

Babe, wait!Her voice is suddenly laced with desperation

Get off of me.” I gently push 

push her away and get in the car

She bangs against the window and bursts into tears as she begs me to stay, but I don’t even want to look at her right now. I’m more than disappointed

As I drive out of the open gate, I spot her in my rearview mirror sunning after my car until she sits on the pavement and bawls her eyes out

I’ve let a lot of things go in the past, but not this time


It’s morning now and ever since I opened my eyes, I keep looking down at the floor. I slept right near the edge of the bed so I wouldn’t struggle whenever I had to get off

It was also difficult during the night as I did my best not to toss and turn too much. I felt if I did that, I would only inflict more pain on myself

Now that the morning’s here, I have to go to the bathroom

I do want to hop on one leg because that worked well for me the previous night, but I also want to try standing up on both just to see how I feel 

er every time I think about the pain that could come out of this, it’s made me a little hesitant


Finally, I gather the strength, push the covers to the side, step my feet on the plush carpet. As soon as I stand up, I instantly fall forward with wide eyes and mouth open. I still feel the pain, but it’s not as bad as yesterday


Chapter 20 


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