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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 


Only because Vanessa’s drunk right now, it makes it difficult to even be offended by what she’s just said to me

I guess this is the perfect opportunity for me to find out just how she feels, and keep her distracted from her sorrow

You really put up with my shit because of your dad?I ask, a hint of amusement in my tone

Yeah, otherwise, I wouldn’t even be here right now. You’re just an asshole and you would be a complete asshole if not for one thing” 

And what’s that?I’m surprised I’m still taking no offense

It’s only because of how compassionate you are about the children. That’s the only reason I haven’t labeled you as a complete asshole.” 

I still don’t even know how to feel about it, but it makes me chuckle silently

Seeing the way you care about those children even when they’re not yours, you’ll be a great dad.” 

Is she seriously complimenting me 

me right now? I don’t even want to ask, scared of 



Are you and I really going to start a family together?” 

Yes we are. I’m just waiting for the right moment.” 

The right moment.She scoffs and I sense a little bit of pain in her voice

What is it?” 

That’s a statement I used to say to myself a lot before I met you. I always wanted to keep my virginity for my husband, the love of my life. That’s why I would always tell myself that it would be the right moment, but I’m stuck with you and you’ll be my first and last.”” 

There she goes again reminding me that I initially had different plans for her

Sounds like you don’t want me to touch you,” I say to her, my hand firmly on her shoulder which no longer trembles

The only reason I’m going to allow it is so we can start

art a family,she says. Otherwise, I’m not attracted to you.” 


I mean it. I’m not attracted to you.” 

Do you know how many ladies wish they were you?” 

I’m not them. I’m really not attracted to you.” 

Say what you want, but that’s bullshit. What’s there not to like about me?” 

With all these questions, I’m obviously just trying to make her feel better and so far, it seems to be working


19:52 Thu, 4 Jul & GR 

Chapter 47 

Before she can respond, she turns to face me and I can still see the tears in her eyes, which have also smeared part of her cheek

In silence, she scans my face

What are you looking at?I ask, 

I’m trying to see if there’s anything to like about you.” 

You really want to prove that you’re not attracted to me? I have news for you. I’m not attracted to you either.” 

I know I mean nothing to you, so I’m not surprised.” 


As she says that, I place my thumb on her cheek and wipe away her tears, then repeat my action on the other side of her face with the back of my hand

Just as I pull my hand back, she moves her face closer and rests her head on the pillow, catching me off guard a little bit

What do you think you’re doing?I ask, not moving away

I’m just trying to see if there’s anything to like about your face and you know what? There is.” 

And what’s that?” 

I like the shape of your nose, your forehead, your thick eyebrows and your lips.” 

That’s it?” 

What else do you want to hear?” 

There’s so much more you can describe.” 

I don’t want to. I’ve said enough.” 

In that caseI trail off wondering whether or not I should tell her what I find attractive about her face

There’s no denying her beauty, especially when I’m this close and she has absolutely no makeup on, but why would I ever tell her that

In silence, I take note of her beautiful eyes, her thin and pointy nose and her gorgeous lips. I don’t even realize that I’m touching her lips until she places her hand on my wrist

Quickly, I ball my hand into a fist to stop touching her lips, but our eyes lock just for a few seconds. I can’t help but wonder what’s on her 



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