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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 7



The moment my father mentions a rat eating the leftovers. I turn around to face the wall as I clench my other fist, close my eyes and almost punch the wall but end up pressing my fist against it to contain my anger

I know exactly what Vanessa meant when she said it like that. How dare she go that far and insult my babe

Composing myself since my father’s still on the line, and I wouldn’t want him to suspect a thing. I relax my fist, turn around and lean against the wall again

I don’t know where she got that from,I say while shaking my head. There are no rats here” 

Are you just trying to get out of this?He sounds like he’s in disbelief. How is it that you’re on a beautiful island with rats in the house? I don’t want my daughterinlaw in such an environment running with rats 

It’s not what you think.” 

Is that supposed to make me worry less? You paid a huge sum of money to your friend to be on that island and now this happens? Being the kind hearted person Vanessa is, I know she’s trying not to make a big deal out of it but I don’t like it. You know what? Leave that island. I’ll pay for wherever it is she wants to go.” 

Father, slow down. Everything’s alright. She’s in good hands” 

Will you protect her from those 

It takes me a moment to respond, Vanessa’s clearly causing trouble for me on purpose

I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation with my father As I wonder what I can do, I quickly come up with something to ease his worries

You’re getting all worked up for nothing. I saw no rats here and she didn’t mention anything to me. Everything’s fine.” 

You’re obviously trying to cover this up but son, I’m warning you right now. You better make sure she’s well taken care of” 

That’s exactly what I’m doing” 

You’re clearly not doing a good job with that rat problem!” 

I rub my temples while shaking my head. This is ridiculous and can’t even say that to him

Father, you know how much I care about my wife and I’ll do anything to make sure she’s safe. Don’t worry. I’ll handle this.” 

Excellent! Now you’re talking. My responsible son is who you are and one day, it’ll work to your advantage.” 

I know he’s hinting at me taking over the family business and it boosts my ego as I imagine myself in his office with the chairman name tag on my desk

He loves it when I show great concern for Vanessa. That’s all I need to do and nothing else matters to him 

I have to go now. There’s a board meeting soon. And son!” 

Yes, father?” 

Send me the footage as soon as you can. We’re all eagerly waiting to see you two lovebirds on the island.” 




I rub my thumb and index finger along the bridge of my nose

Of course. I’ll send it to you later on, I assure him

Excellent! Enjoy your day” 

You too.” 

As soon as the call ends, I wrap my hand around my phone so tightly that I might break it. I’m still fuming at what Vanessa said to my father

I’ll definitely get back at her for her actions and this time. I’ll make sure to use what I heard last night to my advantage

Though I’m still in my white robe, I head over to Vanessa’s room so I can confront her

I also can’t stop thinking about how I need to send those pictures and videos to my father, which like he said, everyone will 

love to see

While Vanessa and I take all those fake pictures of us enjoying our time together, that’s when I’ll get back at her

When I get to her bedroom door, I knock on it a little aggressively, ready to put her in her place as soon as I see her

It takes her a while to respond and I wonder if she’s doing this on purpose. She can at least say something, a question or anything

1 then hear a door creak from inside and that makes me assume she just came from the bathroom

Now that she’s closer, I knock on the door again

Whoever you are, just wait,she says from inside

Is she kidding me right now?

No one has ever made me wait before 

When I hear the doorknob twist from inside, I’m ready to lash out at her but as soon as she opens the completely escape me

he door


She’s in a red tank top that accentuates her bust, some tight jean shorts that cinch at her tiny waist and and accentuate her wide hips. Lastly, her hair’s in a messy bun with a few strands falling on both sides of her face. I hate to admit it, but she looks sexy

However, I soon snap out 

Are you 

of it when she speaks to me with an attrude as she crosses her arms

Are you here to take away something else from me?” 

With a blank face, I step forward and she instantly begins to move backwards, like she’s a little flustered 

For as long as she keeps moving backward, I say nothing to her and she gets more flustered as our eyes lock

It’s only when she’s against the wall that I stop moving. Only an ch separates us 

What the hell were you trying to accomplish by saying that to my father?I tilt my head

She looks away, tucking the loose strands that fall on the side of her face behind her ear

I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She shrugs

I see you’re trying to act dumb. How dare you call my girlfriend a rat?” 

Me!” she asks with a dramatic gasp, placing a hand on her chest 



Only because of her hand movement, my eyes glance at her perky breasts. However, I soon look away, trying to keep my eyes on her face as I speak to her

I’m asking you and no one else so don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.My tone is low but threatening 

Hmm just a second. When did 1 call Camella a rat?Her forehead creases as she drops her head to the side

When you called my father.I glance at her exposed neck now that her head’s dropped to the side

But her immediate chuckle brings my gaze back to her face

Did he tell you that I was talking about Carmella?she asks

If you weren’t talking about her, who were you talking about? clench my jaw

She sighs. I was only talking about a regular rat.” 

And where is it now

At the moment, I’m afraid 1 have no idea. But the last time I saw it was somewhere in this house

I chuckle if disbelief. She’s messing with me right now. Not a problem. I know just how to deal with her and this time, I’ll hit her where it hurts

To set up my plan, I switch the subject

My father said everyone 

ne wants pictures

and videos of us on this island 

I know. He mentioned it to me when he called.” 

We’re here for a while but I’ve decided we do this now so I can get it out of the way and focus on important stuff.” 

Well, I’m ready to go.” 


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