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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 

The whole family is gathered at the table and the atmosphere is filled with joy and l diamond necklace launch

brate the success of Sophia’s 

Out of everyone here. The one who seems the most proud is my fatherinlaw, and I’m guessing this is exactly what Dominic wanted. He sitting right next to me and I keep looking over at him every time my fatherinlaw says something positive about the diamond necklace 

ound my neck

the media and it’s very good for business!” 

You know what’s crazy about all this? My fatherinlaw says. This is already being publicized by the He raises his glass, looking at Dominic with a proud nod 

All the food looks, and smells to delicious that I don’t know where to start because there’s so much to choose from 

Apart from that, there’s so much to drink from fruit juice, to whiskey and even wine. All I want to do right now is have a glass of wine

One of the waiters stands beside me so he can pour some wine into my glass, but Dominic reaches for the bottle and dismisses the waiter. making everyone wonder what’s going on between us

Babe, why did you do that?I ask, looking around as everyone glances at us before resuming with their mini conversations

I’m doing this for you. His lips curve into a fake smile as he pours come wine for me

Are you still trying to

to show off?I whisper with a fake smile. You know i can do this myself” 

Nope, that’s not why I’m doing this.” He leans forward and says, It’s because I want to monitor how much you drink. I know how you get when you’re drunk and I don’t want that happening here.” 

Troll my eyes. He must be talking about the night we’ve never talked about and pretended it never happened, at least on my part

After my glass is half full, he sets the bottle beside him and says, That’s all you’re drinking for tonight.” 

Don’t be ridiculous. You can’t tell me what to do.”” 

Since I’m the one who gets to look after you when you’re drunk, I definitely can 

He then faces the other side to chat with Frank, and I don’t know what to think right now is he that concerned about me

Snapping me out of it is Sophie, who nudges my shoulder from the other side with a bright smile

I can’t wait for you to launch your business,she says. “I know it’ll take a while but I’m so excited for it!” 

Well, it might take longer than I thought because guess what? Up until now, I haven’t learned anything from my husband” 

Seriously?She looks past me and shakes her head at Dominic, who’s fully engaged in conversation with Frank. You know what? Forget about him. You can always find other learning resources for the type of business you want to establish” 

nly chimes in and I can’t help but chuckle at how the topic quickly grabbed his attention

What are you two talking about?Dominic suddenly 

We were just discussing how I don’t need your help to learn the basicsI say to him

Of course you do.He arrogantly nods 

Then why am i ino warring for you to explain things to mirth 

Hesight. Tine, Ill definitely begin the day wher tomorrow

i knows he’ll want to be part of this just so he can thow off, and I’m actually curious to see just how good te Lat this, so I’ll go along with

As we all engage in conversation, with small updates on what everyone has been up to, I sip my wine while stealing glasses at Dominic pery chance I get.. 

keep thinking about my plan and though I don’t know how long it will take for him to figure it o I’m going through a lot of trouble and it would be much easier to just tell him directly or through 

look over at my father across the table as he proudly talks about the type of month he’s had wi spoken about this before, but it warms my heart seeing him proudly talk about it again and how 

days off to look after his health

want to do this, 1 know Too shy to do it 

Fanpuistors coming in. He’s already exhausted that he had to take a few 

While he’s still on the subject, I find out that Dominic plans to introduce him to one of the most sought after investors. This announce 

earns a round of applause from everyone, cecept me as I’m in chock When did this even happen

Despite my unanswered question, I’m blown away. Seeing how my father’s still benefiting from this and it’s almady much more than he expected, I need to play my part and I’ll start tonight

After the meal and sharing more quality time with everyone, Dominic and I decide to leave when it’s close to 10 p.m. 

On our way home in the limousine, my eyes are glued to my phone while I scroll with a smile. There am so many clips and pictures that have cone viral from Sophie’s launch, including a few from the invited guests who had taken pictures with me and posted them

Dominic and I are all over the news as I now own the most expensive necklace in the world, bought for me by my husband only a few minutes after it was made available. It warms my heart just thinking about it even though he was just showing off 

ve you seen the articles? I look up from my phone and lean back in my seat, staring at him on the other side 


How could I not see them when everyone’s talking about that necklace?He loosens his necktie I expect you to wear it during my cologne 

launch next weekend.” 


So I didn’t know you and my father had breakfast together today” 

He scoffs. Are you supposed to know everything that I do with him?” 

Tho, I’m just

saying I didn’t expect it 

There are a lot of things you don’t know.He shakes his head with a chuckle

Like what?I tilt my head in curiosity


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