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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 


It’s only 11, in the morning and Dominic has just left for work, which means I have so much time before he returns this evening. Even with that, I’m already nervous

I can’t even seem to fully focus on Mia. Since she wasn’t at the Launch and only saw pictures and clips of the diamond necklace, I’ve brought it for her and she’s put it on it looks gorgeous around her neck as she takes pictures

ituation. I’d even be holding her phone so I can take pictu 

my mind keeps drifting back to Dominic and I tonight 

It’s only when she speaks to me while taking off the diamond necklace that attention to her

Honestly, just putting this on makes me feel like I’m worth 200 million dollars! Girl, you’re so lucky to have a husband like Dominic. He’s such a gentleman. Did you know that he was getting this for you? I mean you had to have known. That’s his sister’s collection after all.” 

My lips curve in 

into a smile at the memory. Neither of us knew. That’s why I was totally surprised when he paid for it.” 

Oh, wow!She places a hand on her chest with a wishful sigh. I hope I find such a man, who can give me such surprises. They don’t even have to be diamonds or anything like that just someone to make me feel so special. That’s why it’s not surprising that you love him so 


What?i force a chuckle

Come on. There’s that one picture of you with him on the red carpet, and everyone could see just how you looked at him with so much love” 

I know the exact moment Mia’s talking about. It’s when I was so carried away by the sight of him that I didn’t realize the photographers were capturing it all 

Well that was nothing.I say dismissively 

it was definitely something special and we all saw that. That’s what I call love and that’s what I want to be like with my man.” 

And you definitely willi assure her, despite my marriage with Dominic not being what she thinks it is

You know what’s funny? Back when you were still with Patrick, I thought you would always be together but I’m glad you’re not, because look at you now, You’re with someone better. In fact, he’s the best thing that could’ve ever happened to you.” 

I guess you’re right about that.My heart flutters a little, thinking about how my feelings keep changing more and more each day

By the way, how’s Patrick?” 

I guess he’s okay. His interview’s scheduled for tomorrow at the company where my father recommended him” 

t fuck this up

I really hope your ex doesnt tu 

I hope so, too, because my dad will never help him again. The job doesn’t pay much, but it’s three times more than his current job. He’s willing to start from there” 

I bet he feels so embarrassed after the way he treated you, and now you’re the one helping him get back on his feet.” 

You know I never hold grudges.I firmly shake my head. I just feel bad for him and what happened with his evil ex wife.” 

2018 FRC 5 JO 


plans to get has revenge once he’s back on his feet since he already found her. Anyway, Thope he never forgets your act of 

flips on you once he has everything he wants” 

does, I won be bothered by that because i would’ve played my part with my dad. The rest is up to him ” 

zel. That can never be mel I’d make sure he regrets it?” 

course you would. Enough about him.

Trise to my feet and hold out my hand for her Let’s go to the kitchen” 

edly gets up and places her hand in mine, sliding her phone in her front pocket and carrying the diamond necklace boxin her other 

What are you doing?I ask, amused 

ise someone wants to steal it,she says

That never happen, not in this house,I assure her

we get to the kitchen and assign each other duties on what to cook. We’re both so ex 

excited because

d doing this together

Getting the chopping board ready, Mia says, How’s Carmella?” 

don’t know.I shrug, washing the onions

You don’t know?She tilts her head

We’re not friends anymore.” 


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