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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 

it’s been around thirty minutes now since I started texting Patrick, and it seems there’s no end to his replies, even when I give him hints 

Though I’m also using it as a distraction, it barely does anything for me as I still can’t stop thinking about everything Dominic did to me last night. Even now, it’s like I can actually feel his cock thrusting into me

Just as i remember the sight of his cock in my face, my father calls and informs me that starting today, he’s leaving town for a week 

When did you decide 

de this?

* Lask, shaking my head as I’m not pleased

It was actually this morning,he says from the other end of the line

me now?” 

if you decided on it this morning, why are you telling me 

I’m sorry, my child. I’ve just had so much to do” 

I slouch. I really won’t see you around for a week?” 

Yes. This is an important trip. I have to meet a few more investors. How about you come over so we can head to the airport together?” 

Well, I can’t make it right now. I’m with Mia and we’re in the middle of something very important 

Ah, I see

I know I’m lying to him, but there’s no way I’m telling him what’s actually wrong with me and that I’ve mostly been in bed

I guess I’ll see you when you come back.I sigh heavily with a smile. I’m so glad you’re getting everything you ever wanted for the 


He chuckles. And I’m just glad I can see you so happy.” 

My lips curve into a smile, thinking about how I feel so different after last night

After my call with him comes to an end, I continue texting with Patrick and as soon as I reply, he calls, making me wonder why when we’re already having a chat

Hey,” I sound cheerful, yet a little curious

Hey, I know we’re texting and all, but my interview is tomorrow,he says

Are you excited?” 

Yeah and grateful

You need to stop with that. I chuckle softly

Maybe I can treat you to some lunch afterwards. It won’t be any fancy restaurant or anything like that, but I want to do it again, as long as your husband has no problem with it.” 

I pause for a moment, Dominic’s warning for me not to sleep with other guys coming to mind. I’m certain that doesn’t include just meeting 

up with them



radboard, thinking about how Patrick teams worried when 

GET YOUMELITOLAN Pnd Tour the jibner Beside de The truth is that it doesn’t matter whio) meint up with Lidon’t need Dominic’s permissions to do it

Vxtil cara believe to warned me the way be did. Does he really fear that get pregnant by someone else

That’s new going to happen, and s because after last night, Fran’t imagine another man louching me. The thought of it instantly breaks 

never it’s 

my heart since it was a onetime thing 

To thigh I can’t take his cock right now, I crave his touch and his wet tongue once again Even 

Just as remember the sensation of his tongue fucking my clit, my phone rings again,

But as soon as I look at the caller ID. I end up biting my

y lip as I sit up more. I wonder why bu 


Hey,he says from the 

from the other end of the line How do you feel?” 

What do you mean?” 

You know exactly what I’m talking about. How do you fucking feel?” 

I’m obviously still some. That’s why I’m just resting” 

Good That’s what I wanted to hear” 

You just called to check on me! My fave brightens up 

Yeah I see you when I get back home,” 

a little as I try to compose myself 

As soon as the call ends, I bury my face in my hands, blushing hard, is he really that concerned about me? Even though it’s so sv 

sweet of him, i know shouldn’t do this to myself. My feelings for him are now stronger after our intimacy, but this meant nothing to him and I need to keep myself under control 

This is still far from the marriage that I would’ve wanted it to be, but I’m just glad things are so much better now

When I was talking to Patrick, not once did my heart flutter, but with Dominic, it just happened. Our short conversation on the phoner replay in my mind and I can’t stop smiling, but I gently slap myself so I can keep myself under control. What has he done to me

As 4 pm approaches, find myself counting down the minutes to when he’ll be back

He’s only coming to explain stuff to me, so why the hell am lacting like my loving husband is coming home to me

Even after so much time has passed, my efforts to shut out my desires have all been futile

I close my eyes, running my hands along my neck like I can feel his warm breath and sensual caresses

Suddenly, my eyes shoot open when I hear the sound of an engine outside I’m surprised he’s this early and my heart starts racing. His return : makes me count down the minutes to when he’ll be at my bedroom door

didn’t know he had such

er, grabs and 

thei testihet wilks, taking the sock from me 


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