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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 


Dominic looks so serious that it gets me extremely curious

What is it?I ask, looking down at his hand still wrapped around my wrist

He lets go of my wrist but doesn’t take a step back as he speaks to me

After the launch, we’re not coming back home. As the model, my suite for the night is ready.” 

My eyes widen a little. Does that mean-” 

Yes. We’re sleeping in the same suite tonight. If there’s anything you need to carry with you, do it now.” 

Without waiting for my response, he turns around and heads out, leaving me with my lips parted. Spending the night in the same suite was the last thing I expected and why does he seem okay with it

I’m only giving you a few minutes, so hurry up,he says from the other side of the door

It’s only after I hear his voice that I grab a few things

How could he tell me about this now when he’s known all along. Why didn’t he mention it before

Though the thought of spending the night in the same suite makes me a little nervous, I remind myself that it’s big enough for both of us. If there’s only one bedroom, I can just sleep in the living room, but what would I even say to him? That I’m afraid of the two of us making love again just because I don’t want to fall any deeper for him

The ride to the hotel in the limousine takes about 25 minutes and only 5 minutes into it, I already feel so tense

Dominic’s on the seat across from me and I keep stealing glances at him only because I feel like he’s glancing at me when I’m not looking. Is there something he wants to say



and Patrick,he says

I can’t help but chuckle

What?he says

Is that what you’ve been trying to say this whole time?” 

I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but anyway, did you fuck him?” 

No, I didn’t.” 

That’s surprising.” 

Were you really expecting that to happen?I tilt my head

You were so close with each other at Flavor Rush. Your body language was enough for me to figure out you were ready to fuck him.” 

You have it all wrong. That was just because I” 

I trail off, realizing that I’m about to reveal the reason I was like that with Patrick

Whatever you thought you saw, you’re wrong.” 

He shakes his head. That’s hard to believe. Have you met him since that day?” 

No, but we’re still talking on the phone.” 

Keep it that way.” 

Now that Dominic and I are already talking, I might as well ask something that’s been on my mind for a while now

Have you heard from Carmella?” 


He sounds a little harsh, making me change the subject again with a nod

My dad isn’t coming back tomorrow.” 

I know. I spoke to him.” 

He sounded exhausted.” 

Really?He furrows his eyebrows. That wasn’t the case when he called me. What time did you speak to him?” 

Just before I took a shower to get ready.” 

I spoke to him in the afternoon, so I guess that makes sense. He must’ve been working hard.” 

Yeah.I smile a little, thinking about how hard my father’s been working while away

As the limousine pulls up to the hotel, there’s already quite a number of people ranging from celebrities to photographers

Dominic steps out first, then holds out his hand for me and just as I reach for his hand, my heart flutters

Remember that people are watching.” He smiles at me

I know.I smile back

Good. Let’s go.” 

With the bodyguards surrounding us, I step out of the car and he wraps his arm around my waist, making me bite the inside of my lip

After making our way along the red carpet, we stop at the step and repeat area. There’s a large banner that has a repeated pattern of the logo and cologne’s brand name Aurum Elite

Everyone steps aside for a few seconds just so the photographers can focus on us and as the camera flashes constantly go off, the photographers call out our names so we can look over at them and they can snap the perfect shot

Dominic holds me right against his chest and being like this only makes it more difficult for me. I even count down the seconds to when he’ll let me go and we can head inside but instead, he stands right behind me and wraps his arms around me

I’m doing this so they can see the necklace without me in the way,he whispers to me. Now, smile.” 

His warm breath against my neck is so sensual but the last thing I want to do is for everyone to see just how affected I am by it

After posing for the cameras, he holds my hand and leads me away from the red carpet

I see some of the ladies swooning over him and I’m not surprised. He looks sexy

Right by the entrance of the main hall, Frank spots us while chatting with a few girls and he excitedly comes over to us, stroking his chin while looking at me from head to toe

Damn! I don’t even know what else to say.” 

I chuckle softly. You look dashing.” 

And you lookFrank trails off, clustering his fingertips against his lips, then blowing me an exploding kiss

Hey, watch it,Dominic says to him

What? Can’t handle the fact that she looks better than you despite your matching colors?” 

No one is supposed to look better than me,Dominic says with arrogance

I playfully roll my eyes

After they chat for a few seconds about Mike, Dominic pulls me through the crowd and there are so many people watching us that it gets too much

I didn’t think everyone would be staring so much,” I say to him

Why wouldn’t they stare? Just look at you.” 

He gives me a small nod of approval with a poker face, but it still manages to make my heart flutter


Chapter 93 

He leads me straight to a man in a burgundy suit and it doesn’t take long for me to figure out that it’s Mike

Dominic lets go of my hand, his lips curving into a smile as they greet each other in a powerful handshake


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