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The Devil Wore A Brown Suit novel Chapter 10

Day Four

We arrive at the bar just after midnight. Day four on topside I guess, let’s see what today holds.

I help Mayhem with the twins. JJ and Camilla Dawn meet us at the door.

“Get in here. Everything is going crazy.” She tells me.

 She is so dramatic. I am already aware that everything went sideways. I was there. I will let her fret over me; it is what she does best. This girl worries way too much.

 “P do you know what is going on honey?” She asks me.

“Well my bubbly friend I know Sunnie tried to kill me, my brother is more psychotic than I originally thought, and I also know I was trapped for 900 years in hell. Oh and before I forget there are two children caught up in all of this. Did I leave anything out?” I say to her a little too dramatic.

 Camilla is staring at me like I am crazy. “I am going to get you a drink of Heaven's nectar. Is that okay?” she says as she walks off.

Did I piss her off or hurt her feelings? I am not sure.

“What is heavens nectar exactly Camilla Dawn?” I ask her. She doesn’t respond she just keeps walking. Humans are so sensitive.

 “Mayhem maybe we should put the twins in the office. Can JJ watch them for just a moment? I need to apologize to Camilla Dawn.”I ask him.

 I turn for a response he nods his head. JJ picks them both up and walks to the office. He knocks on the sign that reads unholy ones. Sam lets him in.

I look around the room. The booth in the back, I wave at Camilla Dawn to meet me at the booth. She nods. I make my way through all the people in the bar.

There are a lot of people here. Don’t fall to pieces keep going Perdition I hear a voice telling me. I just want to scream I am fine but I keep walking to the booth in the back.

 I sit down with my back to the wall. I can see everything going on. I can hear all of them. The bracelet in my pocket feels hot. I take it out and sit it on the table. It seems to be trying to mold  back together. That is not strange at all.

Of course, the last few days have been full of oddities. Why should this day be any different?

Camilla Dawn arrives at the table with my drink. “Drink it. It is made specifically for celestials and descendants. It will help take the edge off.” She tells me as she sits it down in front of me.

 I am terrified. JJ and Mayhem join us. The four of us sit silently for a moment. A lot has happened and we all need to just take it in. I wonder if it’s safe to drink this. I hear a voice saying just drink it. It probably won’t affect you.

Well, that is good enough for me Mayhem. I know you are the little voice in my head. I look at him across the table. Wait. Maybe that wasn’t him.

“Mayhem can I drink this?” I ask.

 He smiles. It was him. I am going to just drink it and see what happens. Nothing will surprise me at this point. I pick up the small glass and smell it. It smells like heaven. I should not remember that but I do.

 I wonder what this is made of and who made it. I trust Mayhem so I drink it all in one drink. I sit the glass down and everyone is looking at me. “Is there a problem?” I ask Mayhem.

 “I hope not.” He responds. “It really shouldn’t affect you. I will get you some water.” He says as walks to the bar to get me a bottle of water.

“JJ, what happened with Sunnie? I thought she was on our side?” I ask him.

JJ shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair. “Perdition I just do not have an answer. All I can think is she loves Ryan and she would do anything to be with him. Maybe she is confused. I just do not have any answers.” JJ says.

Sam walks up to the booth. “Can I sit?” He asks.

He grabs a chair and sits at the end of our table.

“Sunnie has always been confused about the descendants and how she fits in. She loves Ryan. We all know he struggles with how Venus has been damned. He believes she is the rightful queen of topside. I think if he is following her then Sunnie is going to follow her too. I had hoped she would convince him that Venus is not the answer.” Sam sighs as he continues. “Sunnie is not one of us. But she has always been there and followed us. Her defecting is a great loss.”

I am really confused. “Wait so Sunnie is not a descendant? Then how does she fit in?” I ask.

 Sam looks at Mayhem. He nods at him to give him the okay to tell me.

“Sunnie is a child of a descendant and a mortal. She is not a full-blooded descendant. All of us are descendants of descendants. Every single one of us both parents can be traced back to the watchers. Not Sunnie only her father was a descendant. I guess she felt like an outsider with us. She did not have to feel that way. We all loved her.” Sam says.

“OK, so does that mean she is human?” I ask.

 “Not exactly. We all are human but we aren’t.” He answers me.  “We all live and die. We live longer than humans. We have gifts. We are different from humans because we have watcher blood in us, but we are also human.”

I feel like I have no more information than when I started. I had no idea topside was so complicated.

“JJ, will she and Ryan have to die? Will they return to the underworld? What will happen to them?” I ask

“I have no idea.” He responds to me.

“There is just one more thing. Shouldn’t we address why this bracelet is hot and glowing?” I announce to the table.

They all stop and look at it.

“That doesn’t look good,” Camilla says as she stares at the bracelet.

 “What do you think it is doing?” I ask.

 “I do not know,” Sam says. He quickly grabs it up and takes it. “I think we should put it in the safe until we figure it out.” Sam leaves the table.

We all follow him. He is walking to the office with it. The bracelet is burning his hand.

“Sam give it to me. It can make me weak but it will not hurt me like that.”I say.

 He hands it to me. I start running to the office. I can feel my body getting weaker as I try to make it to the office. I focus on the unholy ones' signs. Just focus. I can make it. My ears are ringing that is odd.

I wake in the office lying on the couch. The twins are looking at me. “Did you put the bracelet away Sam?” I ask

“Yes, it is in the vault. We did not think you would make it. You did. You walked it in here and collapsed.” He says as he touches me to reassure me that it’s OK.

 “I just focused on the sign. I knew if I just kept walking I could get it here. It did not bother me when it was broken but as it pieced itself back together it made me weak.” I tell him.

“Listen to me Perdition you cannot touch that bracelet ever again. It could kill you.” Mayhem tells me. He looks so serious.

“What exactly is it made for? I remember my mother having it when I was a child. Sunnie touched it. It did not hurt her. I need answers Mayhem” I tell him.


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