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The Devil Wore A Brown Suit novel Chapter 11

Day 5

            I am awake, I'm not sure what's going on everything seems quiet. I hear ringing. It seems to be getting louder. Maybe I need to check on that. I wonder where Camilla is.

             I don't hear mayhem I don't hear the twins. Why is it so quiet? The ringing it seems so loud. I'll go downstairs and see if I see anybody maybe I should stay here I'm not sure what to do. Mayhem says I need to listen he told me to stay here.

             I just know there's something wrong. The last thing I remember is coming to rest yesterday morning. I can't stay here I have to look. I have to check on everybody. Something is not right.

            I push the covers off and I step onto the floor. The ringing is so loud. I checked the room I look in the closet. I'll check downstairs they have to be downstairs. I walk slowly down the stairs.

            I'm scared. I shouldn't be scared. I look around the curtains are closed. What is that written on the door? I went to the door and try to pull it but it won't budge. Did he lock me in the house? What have I done? What is he doing? Where is everybody?

             I still hear the ringing. Okay, think. The symbols look familiar. This looks like an entrapment spell. Someone has trapped me here. I wonder if mayhem did this to protect me. I can't stay here. I have to get these symbols off the wall.

            The kitchen! There has to be something in the kitchen I can use to get these symbols off the wall. I go to the kitchen scramble looking for something to remove the symbols. My mind is in overload.

            Bleach there has to be bleach here. I look under the cabinet. Yes, bleach! I grab the bleach and I grab a towel. It should do the trick. I run for the door and start scrubbing. As I'm scrubbing the door mayhem comes to the door. He looks at me puzzled and asks me what I'm doing. He doesn't know what's going on, how can this be? He was here when I went to sleep.

            “Where have you been," I ask him.

            "JJ took the twins to the farm. I went with him to make sure they got there safe. What are you doing? Where is Camilla?" He asked me with a puzzled look on his face.

             He has no idea what's going on. That makes two of us because I'm equally confused.

            "I woke up and no one was here. There's a loud ringing in the house. Can't you hear it? I have no idea where Camilla is. Mayhem, somebody drew symbols on the door to lock me in." I tell him.

             Mayhem starts inspecting the door." This is Camilla's writing. She always puts a small dot at the end of the spell. “He says as he points to a small dot at the bottom of the door.  

            “What is that ringing?" He asks.

            "I don't know. It's really loud in the bedroom. It has to be up there." I tell him as I start walking towards the bedroom.

            "Wait. It might not be safe Perdition." He says as he grabs my arm.

            “Let me go ahead of you.” We go up the stairs to the bedroom. The ringing is getting very loud.

            “Maybe you should wait here and I'll check it out." He insists.

             "Well that's not going to happen, Mayhem. I'm going with you like it or not."  I tell him as I push in front of him and start tearing the room apart looking for the ringing.

             It's so loud I don't understand why we can't find it. I start going through her bed and realize it's coming from under the bed. I get on my knees and reach under the bed.

            "got it!" I yell as I pull out a box.

             Mayhem is looking at me in horror. "Drop it!" he says firmly.


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