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The Divorced Heiress Revenge (Bella Thompson) novel Chapter 2207

Tears filled Bella’s eyes as she clutched at Jace’s clothing, sobbing uncontrollably. “I miss my father, my brothers, and Justin. Please, let me go home... Please...”

Jace listened in silence, his steps steady and resolute.

“Return Bella to me!” Christopher screamed desperately, dropping all pretense as he frantically blocked Jace’s path.

“She’s not legally your wife yet, so she isn’t yours,” Jace replied blankly. He looked at Christopher with a hint of derision. “Even if I gave her to you, can your body even handle it?”

Christopher’s weakened body trembled as he retracted his shaking hand.

Although exhausted and terrified, Bella remained clear-headed. Jace’s words carried a hidden meaning. Was Christopher’s body truly at its limit?

The sea breeze only grew stronger in the night, howling relentlessly.

Jace held Bella tightly, moving forward steadily. As her sobs subsided, he spoke calmly. “There will be a typhoon tonight.”

Bella looked up at the man’s jawline. “If there were no typhoon, would you still have stopped me from leaving?”

Jace’s gaze darkened as he continued to walk. “I’ll let you in on a secret. I came here to ensure you don’t end up with Christopher.”

Bella’s eyes widened with a mixture of hope and dismay. This man felt like her older brother, or perhaps she had unconsciously placed him in that role.

Despite everything, she clung to the hope that within him, there might still be a trace of the kind and bright person she once knew.

Chapter 2207 1

Chapter 2207 2

Chapter 2207 3


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