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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Holding Her in His Arms

She still smelled of strawberries.

Brendon noticed something on her lips, and leaned over, kissing them lightly. The kiss carried a drunken scent.

Ranita'a ears turned red immediately, and stared blankly at Brendon. Her voice became distorted, "What happened?"

Why did he suddenly kiss her?

Her heart stirred again, but also afraid.

"Mmm, smells good!" Brendon buried half of his face in Ranita's shoulder, his voice nasal and heavy. "What did you eat?"

"Strawberries..." Ranita paused before continuing, "Allen gave them to me. They taste really good."

Brendon was still leaning on her shoulder.

Having had a few drinks, he seemed a bit tipsy and lazy in his movements and speech.

"Let me try some," he said.

There had been a plate with several strawberries on it. Now there were only a few left that Ranita had eaten. The color wasn't as bright anymore since they'd been sitting under the air conditioning for too long - they didn't look very appetizing.

"Do you want to eat them?" Ranita hesitated to ask.

Brendon would eat fruit but rarely ate strawberries.

"Yeah!" Brendon replied lazily as he flipped over onto most of Ranita's body, his arm wrapped around her waist.

Ranita stiffened her back even more than before.

Her heart was racing uncontrollably.

She really couldn't resist Brendon at all!

Sighing inwardly, she took one strawberry and peeled off the green leaves before offering it up to him. "Open your mouth," she said softly.

Brendon looked at her with dark eyes then lowered his head and bit down on the strawberry along with her fingers.


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