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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 How to Explain a Swollen Stomach

Ranita took two more days off.

When Brendon saw the leave slip, he asked Caleb with displeasure, "Send me Ranita's address."

"Brendon, are you going to see Ranita?" Shannon had been coming around a lot lately. "Last time you told me she took sick leave and I'm worried about her too! Why don't we go see her together?"

"Brendon, what does Ranita like? Let's bring her some gifts!"

Thinking for a moment, Brendon said, "She seems to really like apples. Let's bring some over!"

When the doorbell rang, Ranita had just finished discussing a project with someone.

"Who is it?" It was late at night and Dylan had only come in the afternoon. Who could it be?

Ranita opened the door and saw Brendon holding a fruit basket. She was surprised, "Why did you come?"

The next second, a petite figure emerged from behind Brendon and affectionately held his hand while smiling sweetly, "Ranita, I heard you were sick and both Brendon and I were worried about you so we came to check on you."

Ranita couldn't stop smiling.

"Don't be polite. My place is small so I won't entertain you." After seeing that Brendon didn't look too happy about it, she quickly added, "Let me treat you guys to coffee instead."

"No need. We just came to see how you're doing," said Brendon as he handed over the fruit basket. He scanned inside but didn't see anyone else there before pursing his lips and saying, "Rest well if you're still sick. Eat more of your favorite apples."

"Yeah! Ranita, I also love apples because they're sweet and nutritious so eat more!" Shannon winked at her while laughing heartily but inside Ranita felt empty.

She actually didn't like apples that much but ever since he gave one to her for the first time she would instinctively reach for an apple whenever she saw fruits around.

But now it seemed all meaningless because he remembered Shannon's preferences instead of hers.


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