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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76 I Miss You

"Hiss!" Ranita deliberately let out a couple of shrieks, immediately causing Dylan to become anxious. He leaned in to help cool Ranita down, saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

Instinctively, Ranita took a step back.

"Okay, okay!" Ranita sighed. She shouldn't have teased Dylan! She enjoyed their friendship, but when things went sour, the consequences were often unsatisfactory.

Ranita realized she should trouble Dylan less in the future.

"Oh, by the way, have you eaten? Are you hungry... I can buy something for you!"

"No need! Dr. Pearson already got me something. I'm just a little tired," Ranita paused and urged Dylan, "We're almost there. You can go home first."

"No way! I'll take you home later," Dylan stubbornly insisted, leaving Ranita with no choice but to accept a ride from him. Once she arrived home, instead of resting like usual, she pulled out her work list and organized it.

Her main project involved following up on orders from Stuart's Corp., while the remaining tasks were personal favors rather than studio work.

After organizing everything, Ranita took a deep breath.

The situation seemed slightly more optimistic than expected; the worst-case scenario would be quitting her studio, leaving Holly in charge of everything she had worked so hard for - not worth it!

Now that Ranita was pregnant and uncertain about the legal aspects of her business affairs, she decided to consult a reliable lawyer - Chris immediately came to mind.

Ranita called Chris right away, saying, "Mr. Webster... it's me, Ranita. I apologize for bothering you so late."


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