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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 Come Knocking at the Door

"Haha!" Ranita burst into laughter, unable to contain herself any longer, finally managing to calm down this stubborn individual.

"Just tell me if it's okay or not!" Eve pleaded with Ranita using her eyes, as if she would strangle her if she didn't agree.

"It's okay! If you're willing, the baby can call you mom!"

"No way! Other people's children are adorable, but their own are little devils!" After saying that, Eve excitedly put her arm around Ranita's shoulder and asked, "Where is your prenatal report? Let me see what the little one looks like!"

Ranita chuckled. "Why do you sound like Dylan?"

"Why are you comparing me to that idiot?" After a brief pause, Eve continued. "I noticed you've been sleeping all day, so I made noodles for us to enjoy together!"

Eve couldn't cook much else, but she was a master at making noodles!

Ranita was in a good mood and had a better appetite than before. It could also be because she hadn't eaten lunch yet, so she savored the noodles slowly while Eve examined the prenatal report repeatedly.

Eventually, they set aside their bowls of noodles and focused on the black-and-white ultrasound image, which didn't clearly reveal much. "Oh my goodness," exclaimed Eve with a big smile on her face. "Our little one is so cute."

Ranita was left speechless.

What happened to Eve's IQ? Why did she become like Dylan? How could they determine if it was cute?

But this time, Ranita didn't argue back. If they thought it was cute, then it was fine! They were right!

"How long will you stay here?"

"I took two days off work just to come see you, and I'll go back tomorrow," sighed Eve before suddenly asking, "Why did he suddenly ask for a divorce?"

Ranita nibbled on her noodles and spoke softly, "Have you read any celebrity gossip?"

"What gossip? I can't access the internet. I took two days off and worked several all-nighters. I went straight to the airport without even removing my makeup. I slept in the car," Eve explained, pausing for a moment before continuing, "Could it be that his ex-girlfriend is back?"


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