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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Bite Him Once

"Mr. Stuart..." Turner was originally excited, but he was so scared that his throat felt like it had been stuck with a fishbone and he couldn't speak. "Mr. Stuart, listen to me... I can explain..."

"Get out!" Brendon glared at Turner angrily, not even listening to him speak before kicking him away.

Turner rolled two meters away before finally stopping.

Brendon rushed over to Ranita's side and only when he got close did he realize that half of her clothes had been torn apart, one shoulder strap broken off, revealing a large portion of her soft skin.

Brendon's eyes immediately turned red with anger.

Damn it! He should have kicked Turner harder!

"Ranita!" Brendon called out to her but noticed that she was blushing slightly and looking at him as she rubbed her face against his hand...

All the pent-up anger in Brendon suddenly burst forth like flames.

He took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around Ranita's body before immediately calling Caleb to come deal with Turner.

"Mr. Stuart... listen to me explain..." The kick from Brendon had been too heavy; it almost broke Turner's ribs. He was sweating all over but didn't dare move in front of Brendon.

He could only kneel on the ground trembling and begging for mercy.

Brendon kicked him again without even looking at him while making the phone call. By then, half of Ranita's body had already rubbed against his chest, giving her great comfort from feeling his solid abdominal muscles through his shirt which made her feel cool all over...

Ranita tried hard to control herself but this man in front of her was Brendon. Any remaining rationality she may have possessed disappeared long ago. She felt as if she were possessed by a fox spirit as she softened her arms and pushed herself into Brendon's embrace with all her might...

"Ranita!" Brendon's face turned dark as he was inadvertently bumped into. His gaze was icy, but there were turbulent emotions brewing beneath the surface, surging upwards in waves. His already deep eyes grew even darker.

The man bent down and lifted Ranita into his arms. Ranita reached out and hugged his neck, her warm cheek pressing against his throat.


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