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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 Which Hand Did You Touch Her With?

Ranita fled in a panic.

She didn't even have time to say goodbye to Mrs. Cather and Arthur before she escaped from Boulderland Mansion.

One of the straps on Ranita's bra had broken, so she had to hold her shoulder with one hand, trying her best not to look too disheveled.

Unfortunately, it wasn't easy to hail a cab outside of Boulderland Mansion.

Ranita reached into her pocket and realized that her phone was still in the banquet hall. Not only was she broke, but she also couldn't notify any friends to come pick her up.

Ranita cursed under her breath.

"Beep beep!" Suddenly, a horn honked behind her and Ranita turned around to see Chris rolling down his car window.

"Ranita, why are you alone here?"

Ranita saw Chris and immediately approached him. "Mr. Webster, can you give me a ride to the hospital?"

"Do you feel unwell?" Chris noticed that Ranita's cheeks were unusually red under the streetlight and that she seemed unstable on her feet.

"A little bit..." Ranita replied weakly as Chris quickly got out of his car and helped support Ranita while opening the passenger door for her. He even kindly fastened her seatbelt, "I'll take you straight there."

"Can you help me find Dr. Pearson?" As Ranita clung onto the seatbelt tightly, trying hard not lose control over herself due to feeling uncomfortable all over.

Waves of heat surged through, causing sweat beads across every inch of skin on hers and making it difficult for clear thinking while he drove towards their destination - hospital where Dr. Pearson worked at.

Boulderland Mansion loomed behind them as they drove away from it all...


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