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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 12

Part 3

“Hilsith,” she thoughtfully asked, “What are your thoughts on your relationship with my parents?”

Hilsith smiled. “It’s wonderful, but I know it’s temporary. I am more than Yazadril and Nemia’s girlfriend, but less than their wife. I know their love for each other will always be primary for them, and I’m quite sure that I cannot become pregnant by Yazadril, since he doesn’t love me in that way. We all know that eventually, I’ll fall in love with the elf who will become my husband, and then my relationship as it is with Yazadril and Nemia will end. And we’re fully comfortable with that. But until that happens, be it only another day away or a millennium, we will cherish the love and happiness we give each other.”

“Thank you.” Talia nodded.

“Alilia, if we choose to accede to your request; you would live in our home so that Mark can truly be a father to his child. Your position in our relationship would be very similar to Hilsith’s position in my parents’ relationship. You would definitely be junior to me in that relationship, and in Mark’s affections. Furthermore, you’ve been known to be somewhat abrasive at times, and I’m still a young elf, and I still occasionally feel emotional responses that are somewhat immature. There may be times when I become irritated or jealous with you, and I may choose to take advantage of your vow of service to compel you to endure another spanking, or other acts of contrition.”

“I understand. I stand by my vow.” Alilia quietly responded.

There was a long pause in the conversation.

“Alilia, look at me.” Talia quietly commanded. “Do you love me?”

“I do love you, Talia. I began to feel this way when we first met Mark in the South Pass of The Nine Valleys. After I realized how horribly I had wronged you, and you gave me your forgiveness.”

“Mmm. Kiss me. Show me that you love me.”

Alilia smoothly stood as Talia did, and they embraced for a moment, before Alilia slowly moved to kiss the younger elfess with deep and sensuous affection. As the kiss ended, Alilia’s discipline cracked, and she hugged Talia with desperate emotion. “Oh please Talia, please…” she softly begged, her tears flowing into Talia’s hair.

“We must love you, Alilia, for this to work.” Talia murmured. “And as you say, we do not love you now, but then we’ve spent very little time with you. Stay with us for a while, earn our love, and let us learn to love you. Especially Mark. You can’t expect him to have a child with a woman he doesn’t love. You’re incredibly beautiful, intelligent, and capable, and your personality has been improved by the ordeals of the last few months, so it shouldn’t take too long. If you can earn our love, you can bear Mark’s child.”

“Thank you, thank you so much…” Alilia sobbed as she lost control completely and broke down crying.

Mark gently reached out from his seat on the big sofa and gently picked them both up, and slowly set them on his lap. He wrapped his huge arms around both the tiny elven women and nuzzled the tops of their heads.

“A wise choice, I think.” Hilsith nodded, as she and Yzell stood and smiled. “And we will take our leave. I see no further need for our services here this evening, as things seem well in hand, and you will not be attempting a conception tonight.”

Talia started to get up to see them off.

“No no, you shouldn’t interrupt your embrace, we’ll see ourselves out.” Yzell chuckled. “We’ll see you again soon.”

“Oh, one more thing.” Hilsith said as she turned and cast a quick spell on Mark, who was stunned with surprise at the sudden sensation. “I had Yazadril work on that with me, so that it would be tuned to your unique frequencies. The spells I cast that Talia uses on herself and Alilia to ensure that your lovemaking will be harmless, despite the disparity in you sizes, those spells have their limitations where her pregnancy is concerned. What I just cast on you will ensure that as her pregnancy progresses, your coitus will not be as deep, nor will you desire it to be. The same will be true of Alilia, should she bear your child. For the consideration of the children.

“Good evening then, we’ll see you again soon.”


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