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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 13

Part 3

“All right, I’ll have the pearl turn red as their love for you grows…”

“No, I couldn’t bear the suspense of a gradual transition.” Alilia interrupted with a shake of her head. “Just have it turn red suddenly, once they both truly love me.”

“Ah. All right, it’s done.” Yazadril stated as he handed the necklace back.

“Thank you.” Alilia said as she put the necklace back on and tucked it under the neckline of her dress. “And if I may say, it would be awkward if they know of this before it turns red…”

“We understand.” Nemia chuckled. “It’s a harmless thing, and we’ll keep your confidence about it.”

“Thank you. Now about our next military exercise; I have a few ideas…”


At the end of her fourth month of pregnancy, Talia was examined by Hilsith, and then by Yzell, who both saved a Reading of their diagnostics. Hilsith pronounced that Talia and her unborn children were completely healthy, but Yzell lingered over her examination far longer than she usually did, her eyes closed as she concentrated on her spells.

Finally she sat back and wiped her brow with a puzzled air. “They are developing significantly more quickly than is normal for human or elven babes.”

“Oh? I saw no sign of that.” Hilsith pointed out.

“You were judging by their size.” Yzell explained. “And by that measure, the boy is a bit bigger than normal for a human, or very big for an elf, while the girl is very small for a human, or on the small side of normal for an elf. Both are within what I would have to consider to be the normal size range for half-human babes at four months of pregnancy.

“But I tell you, aside from that, they’re developing very quickly. Already, it’s like they were conceived at least a month earlier than they actually were, perhaps two. If they continue like this and they are carried to full-term I expect them to be born with full heads of hair and their eyes open and focused. And perhaps with a tooth or two. I expect they’ll be born in the ninth month, like human babies, rather than in the eleventh. They may seem like they’re six months old but small for their age on the day they’re born.

“I’m going to start conducting a thorough examination every week. This is too strange to ignore.”

Ten weeks and two days later, Talia woke suddenly from a sound sleep, and sat up with a jerk and a yelp.

Alilia was awake a moment later, and in an instant she psionicly checked with Stripe and Scout for external threats and conducted her own scan of the region. She found nothing untoward, but cast a Battle Shield around the entire home anyway.

Mark was slower to come awake. “Huh? What?” he stammered as he blearily looked around, then rubbed his eyes and shook his head to clear it.

“Shh. Calm. Loving.” Talia softly said in response with her eyes closed and her hands held before her like she was about to conduct an orchestra. A warm smile slowly grew on her face.

“All right, I’m calm and loving.” Mark softly chuckled as he sat up and hugged her. “What is it?”

Alilia hugged Talia from the other side, and caressed her swollen belly in concern, but detected no signs of distress.


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