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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 123

Sophie’s pov

“Dada take photo,” Ashton giggles smacking his palm on the photo frame.

He smacked it again, giggling louder.

I gnaw on my lips as I continue to scrutinize the photo.

My hair had been left in a bit of messy curls that day and I had tuck a few behind my ears, revealing th side of my face he captured.

“I suppose he did Ash,” I whispered, not sure how to feel about this.

I remember this day specifically. It was my birthday and Aiden had taunted me about how much of a baby I was when he threw my cupcake Mila brought for me and I cried.

I had later gone to the field and sat down to study to take my mind off his taunts and the fact that I hadn’t gotten a chance to taste Mila’s cupcake.

I knew I felt a peircing stare on me the entire time, but didn’t bother to turn to look. I was after all on the field and it could’ve been any one of the boys.

Turns out….it was Aiden after all.

I wonder why he took that photo?

And even more confused on why he kept it with him. He even framed it.

I place the picture frame back in the draw and closed it. Lifting my hand, I bit the ends of my nails as I contemplated if to call him and ask him about this or not.

I shook my head.


I probably shouldn’t. He did mention there was a crisis at work, I shouldn’t disturb him for such trivial things.

But then…

He hasn’t called yet to notify me that he got there safe and it has been more than thirty minutes since he left….

I groan.

Did he really need to notify me about such things though?

We are a couple, and couples do these things right?

I smacked my head, startling Ashton.

He then giggles at me and I smiled.

“I guess it won’t be bad to check up on your dad Ash bug.” I said and took my phone.

My thumb had just hovered over the call button when I heard the sound of the buzzer.

My brows knot.

Was someone at the door?

It goes off again and I took a step back while looking at

Ashton in confusion.

Was Aiden expecting someone over? If so, why didn’t he inform me?

“Let’s see who’s at the door bug.” I said, fixing him on my hip and walking out of the room and headed for the entrance door.

I peer through the little peephole and my brows knot even more when I saw an unfamiliar man holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand.

Was he lost?

Not wanting to seem rude by ignoring him, I opened the door and smiled at him politely.

“Yes?” I asked with a tilt of my head when I noticed him looking to his left.

I try to discreetly look to the left too but the man asked. “Sophie Bell?”

I snap my eyes back over to him, my brows furrowing more when the guy knew my name.

“Yes that’s me.”

The man smiled brightly, flashing his pearly white teeth.” These are for you.” He stretched out his hand and hands me the bouquet of red roses.

“Oh,” I murmured in surprise, only to be stunned by his next words.

“And these are also for you,” He stepped aside and a

woman steps forward with another bouquet of red roses. These were in a pretty glass vase.


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