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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 124

Sophie’s pov

“Mr. Harring-ton?” I stuttered, a bit baffled to see him


I nervously looked at his stoic cold face, my insides freez- ing by the mere weight of it.

Gosh that man really doesn’t like me.

“Stuttering like an idiot. Are you going to let me in or gaze at me like an illiterate?” He said curtly with no emotion in his voice.

I blinked. And then blinked again.

I had an option to send him away for being rude to me and expect a good greeting in return.

But then I stupidly thought that maybe if I spoke to him nicely and acted nicely, perhaps maybe the old man would grow to like me and would support Aiden and I’s relationship.

But boy was I wrong….

I forced on a smile though it cracked with fakeness as I opened the door and ushered him to come in.

He looks around the living room area and his nose turned up as he took a step in.

“In here has an odd stench.” He said bluntly and closed the door behind him.

I looked at him a bit confused. “Oh, aren’t you inviting the two men to come in too?”

No. They’re my bodyguards, I don’t need them in here.” Sergio said, skimming his cold eyes over my figure.

His eyes stopped on Ashton who was busy playing with the rose in his hand. Sergio looked displeased.

“The child didn’t go to school.” His tone held a scowl and his face tightened.

I smiled awkwardly, the coldness in his tone and gaze get- ting to me a little. “No. The teacher suggested that we leave him home for a few days to get a hundred percent.”

Sergio nods, his lips curling and he glared at me.

“Sorry to come on such a short notice.”

He didn’t sound sorry at all. Especially with the way he looked at me in disgust.

Still, my foster mother taught me to respect my elders, so I answered him without hostility, very opposite of how he spoke to me. “No that’s fine. Though I will let you know that Aiden isn’t here, he went to the office.”

Sergio nose turned up in a snotty way. “That’s fine, I didn’t come for Aiden.”

The smile left my face as my brows furrowed in clueless- ness. “Oh,”

Sergio looks around, glaring at the red roses.

If it was possible, his stare would’ve killed those roses in


“About yesterday’s breakfast Mr. Harrington. I am truly sorry for how I responded to you after Ashton threw those-

I stopped when those steely eyes fall on me and daggered me with irritation and held back fury.

Okay then…..he didn’t like to be reminded of what hap- pened and what was said.

I bit my tongue and looked away from him awkwardly and a bit on alert since he didn’t come here for Aiden.

There were two buff men outside and I held Ash in my arms. There was no way I could fight off free men, Aiden’s grandfather included.

I know my thoughts had drifted into a dark place but it was clear Sergio hated me. A powerful man like Sergio who despised someone could do anything without getting caught.

I was alone.

“Sophie Bell,” His lips curved into a smirk when he got the reaction he wanted. I froze.

“Went to the same high school as my grandson….” He trailed off and looked around the room again, and scowled.

My heart thuds as the blood drained from my face.

I knew Sergio was smart and powerful enough to put two and two together quickly. I just didn’t know that he would’ve been this quick.

“Red roses, my grandson overdid himself. How many ros-

es are there?” He asked in an uninterested tone.

“I don’t know,” I said softly as I hold Ashton more firmly.

Suddenly my phone rings in the pocket of the shorts I thankfully placed on after the shower I had earlier.

I’m a bit reluctant to answer it, not knowing what Sergio

would do if I did.


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