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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 127


Aiden’s pov

When we end the call, my heart pangs.

It fucking pangs in pain. I missed them a lot.

I looked at Bernard who’s staring at me like I’m some sort of weirdo or something.

He was helping me fix this issue since he had more knowledge about it than everyone else in this apartment.

“What?” I asked a bit irritated that he disturbed me from talking more to my woman.

Her voice had calmed me down a good deal since seconds before I called her, I was breathing fire and flinging anything I could get at the employees who couldn’t sort out the issue sooner.

I needed to see my woman and my son goddammit and they were too damn slow.

“Nothing. Just haven’t seen this side of you Mr. Xavier.” Bernard admitted.

I shrugged and placed my phone in the pocket of my pants. “This side is only for her. Don’t get too comfortable with it and get back to solving that damn issue so I can go back to my wife and kid.”

Bernard’s eyes widen and his brows lifted. “Wife?”

I sighed, realizing my little slip….though when you really think about it, Sophie will be my wife one day. So it wouldn’t be wrong to refer her as my wife.

“What’s with the twenty questions Bernard? Let’s get on with it.” I snapped, walking around my desk and approached him.

He looks at me stunned. “You’ve really changed Mr. Xavier.” He whispered in surprise.

I huffed and opened the door and got out. This man was acting so surprised as if he has never seen a man in love like this. So what if I change when I’m talking to Sophie or in her presence?

Did everyone really think I’m some blue eyed devil without a heart?

My phone pings and I fish it out of my pocket and when I saw the message, which was a photo of Sophie beside a sleeping Ash, my heart warmed and I couldn’t help but smile widely at my little family.

Finally I was doing something right.

Finally I got everything I’ve ever wanted.

I don’t care if I go through hell many times. I don’t care if I get slandered, just as long as she’s beside me and will stay beside me. I’ll fight for her. Because she was and still is worth it in the end.

She’s everything to me.

Both her and Ash.

I end up having that grin the entire way.

For a couple of hours Bernard and I and a few other employees busied ourselves trying to fix the problem. We ended up fixing it late, four thirty.

During those times, I made sure to check up on Sophie and Ash and ordered them some food and had them send it over.

My girl couldn’t cook so I didn’t want any accidents in the kitchen.

I smiled at the very thought of how her scrambled eggs had turnt out. She was so disappointed with it, you could see it on her face.

But then that asshole had to ruin it even more like everything he does.

I clench my fist remembering his words to her.

Sergio really cared for no one but himself and the company. And let’s not forget that he always wants to be seen like an angel to the media.

I snorted.

Only if they knew that he was the real devil.


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