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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 128


Aiden’s pov

It only takes seconds for my body to register the alien feeling of Lillian wrapping her slimy arms around me.

Repulse. That’s all my body breathed while being wrapped around her arms.

I act quick, not wanting to give her the wrong idea.

Though I perhaps had given her the wrong idea long ago.

But surely the girl could’ve taken the hint that she was only just a one night stand. I didn’t even call her the following day.

I step back, pushing her arms away from me when she tries to grab a hold of me again.


She was always so damn clingy.

“What are you doing here Lillian?” I asked trying to be po-

It was already weird she got back to New York the second Sergio wanted to merge the two companies.

Did she really think I would agree to that absurd idea?

I shivered in disgust by the thought.

I felt relieved, knowing that God was at least on my side by bringing Sophie back into my life.

If I hadn’t come up with the idea that we were engaged, then I’d probably would have been forced to marry that clingy lizard.

It didn’t help that one night stand with her in the past made her even more clingy.

I had a suspicion she had been rejoicing when she heard that her father and Sergio thirsted for the two companies to merge. She knew that she’d be the one to marry off to me.

“Can’t I come to see my close friend?” She asked inno- cently, looking at me beneath her lashes as though I’d melt.

I walked around her and approached the desk.

“We haven’t been friends in a long time. Far less being ‘close.‘ I grumble, loosening my tie and setting the file in my draw.

Lillian whirls around. “Why are you regarding me with such repulse? At the hospital you were nice to me.”

I could hear it in her voice, she hadn’t expected my cold tone.

My eyes snap up to stare at her.

Don’t get me wrong, Lillian was a pretty woman, just not as beautiful as my Sophie. In the past she could have never replaced Sophie, and she won’t now either.

“Yes because you were checking up on my son,” I said and then breathed out in annoyance when her eyes drop in sad-ness.

“Lillian.” I grit out. “What we had only lasted for a couple of hours, you know what a one night stand means right?”

I resisted the urge to pinch the skin between my brows.

Lillian whispered. “My brother knows about it Aiden. My father too. That’s why they thought it would’ve been best for us to get married-

“You remember the beautiful woman that was by my side? The mother of my child? Or maybe you’ve seen the blogs post about my newly engaged status to her. She’s my woman Lillian, mine. I love her enough to not care about merging companies.” I sneered lowly.

I was rude, but she left me no choice but to be so.

“And I don’t give a fuck if your brother or your father knows about our once sexual entanglement. It was in the past and it was clearly a mistake. Get over it Lillian, nothing Sergio, you, your brother or your dad will do, will make me leave So- phie.”

I rolled my eyes when her eyes misted with fresh tears.


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