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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Sophie’s pov

“Aiden,” I whispered, trying to draw his attention away from Christopher Muralo.

It was obvious that the two despise each other and invit- ing the Muralo’s was all Sergio’s plan to get on Aiden and I’s nerves.

Aiden removed his steeling glare from Christopher and brought them to meet mine. They soften and with a sigh, he relaxes in his seat.

My shoulders sagged, thankful that I would not witness a blood bath.

“I am so glad you could make it Lillian and Christopher. I invited your father but he said he could not come.” Sergio mentioned while taking a sip of his wine.

Christopher fixed his tie and jacket and for a second I wonder if all businessmen liked to wear suits even at



“Yes. He’s been busy these days. You know he was ex- pecting to help with wedding planning but things did not go as planned.” Christopher said dryly, looking at Aiden with an annoyed expression.

Aiden stiffened with held back fury as he sent a sharp glare at Christopher.

I looked over at Lillian to see her cheeks were flushed with

a bit of red as she stares at Aiden.

I wrap my hand around Aiden’s arm, pressing myself to his side as I voiced out. “Oh that’s too bad. Planning a wed- ding is so fun, isn’t that right baby?” I asked, tightening my hold around Aiden’s arm as I looked at him with a look that told him he should answer correctly or things won’t be good for him later.

He seems to get it because a tiny grin painted on his lips as he answered. “Yes. It’s the best.”

Aiden lips feathered against my ear seconds after. Your jealousy is enticing.” He chuckled lowly and peeled away when he got the reaction he wanted when I shivered.

“You two are planning already? The youth are so hasty, aren’t they Margo?” Sergio asked tightly, looking over at me with an annoyed glower.

Margo nods quickly, her eyes wide with fear as she an- swers. “Yes Mr. Harrington.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Sophie is looking rather famished. Pour her some wine.” Sergio demanded, smirking at me over the rim of his glass.

“No. That’s fine. I don’t care to drink.” I cut in before Mar-

go could get over to me.

Sergio chuckled and lifted his hand with the glass, point- ing it at me. “And how are we supposed to toast to the great news of your engagement to my grandson?”

“She doesn’t want to drink Sergio. Leave it.” Aiden snapped.


Lillian looked between the two, her eyes darting quickly.

I think Sophie’s decision to not drink is a good thing, she is pregnant after all, right?”

Now it was my turn to stiffen. I feel the blood drain from my face, my belly churning.

The public had yet to know about the pregnancy, they only knew about the engagement.

Sergio must have told her. There was no ther person who would.

“Right.” Sergio chuckled and placed his glass down. “I completely forgot about that. Forgive me, Sophie.”

With the quick glare that flashed in his eyes told me all I needed to know.

Sergio had invited us for lunch to bait me into spilling the truth about Aiden and I’s non-existent pregnancy.


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