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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 156

Sophie’s pov


Right this way miss,” Margo uttered while guiding me through Sergio’s huge house. I try to memorize the curves and corners so I would not get lost on my way back.

It’s difficult when all rooms look the same. But I don’t dare utter my confusion to Margo.

She stopped beside a huge door, turning towards me as she wrenches it open. “Here you go,” She smiles politely and I’m grateful that not everyone is as vile as Sergio in this house.

“Thank you, Margo,” I thanked her with a smile of my own and entered the bathroom. I closed the door and leaned against it until I heard her fading footfalls.

When I was sure I was alone, I peeled myself away from the door and strut over to the wall mirror and the sink.

I looked at my reflection and sighed.

There’s worry in my gaze, buried deep but I can detect it.

The worry mounted when Lillian brought up the pregnancy. For a second there I forgot about it and one wrong move would have made everything crumble down.

I let out a breath through my parted lips. “Oh Sophie, what had you got yourself into?” I shook my head and opened the faucet.

I washed my hands, leaning over the sink to pour some water over my face. Closing the faucet, I lift my eyes up and they connect with my reflection.

I cannot make Sergio push me in a corner and boast his triumph of finally cracking the barriers I held around me.

I will not make him succeed in trying to push Aiden and I apart.

Patting my face with some tissue, I tossed it in the toilet bowl and flushed. Gawking at my reflection ‘one least time, I let out a strained breath and opened the door.

I jerk slightly in surprise when my eyes land on Lillian leaning against the opposite wall, a cold expression on her face.

I stepped out of the room, in means to avoid her but she stops me.

“Sophie. How is Ashton?”

I clicked my tongue, annoyed that she was trying to converse with me when we both knew she didn’t like me. That glare she sent across the table straight at me when Aiden whispered in my ear told me all I needed to know.

I heard the clack of her heels and knew she had peeled off the wall.

Turning around, I crossed my arms under my chest, staring at her blankly.

“He’s doing well. Better.” I answered her tightly.

She nod, her eyes rolling up to the ceiling as she plasters on a thoughtful look. “Yes, I think Aiden mentioned it when we spoke. He’s such a good father.”

Her voice was sweet but I could sense the hostility swimming at the bottom, struggling to stay clear of the surface.

I narrowed my eyes, unpleased by her tactic to get on my nerves.

He is. And he’s also a great fiance.” I aired in a sickly fake sweet voice that she caught right away because the chirpy sweet blonde was no longer hiding her resentment.

She lets out a fake short laugh, stepping forward. “Is that so?”

She tilts her head, her eyes sending sharp daggers my way. “I remember how sweet he can be. He has always been this way, especially to me. You know, everyone thought Aiden and I would be the ones getting married.”


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