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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 55

Aiden’s pov

“Just give me her address as soon as possible. “I told Johnny, my private investigator.
Johnny promised to get me Sophie’s address within the hour and when that hour did come, Sophie’s address was written down on a piece of paper in my handwriting.

I placed the pen down on the paper smirking in triumph.

Sophie’s address.

Maybe when I get there I’d spank her ass for even thinking she could just leave like that.

| shake my head.

What the hell was wrong with me? I’m supposed to be angry at her, not turned on by her defiance.

I picked up the paper and took my jacket.

I’m going there right away.

I don’t even care if she’s home or not.

I’ll wait for her if I have to I was in the midst of fixing my jacket when a knock sounds at my door.

“Sir?” Noel’s tiny voice flutters through the door.

I groan lowly and rolled my eyes.

“Come in,” I said loud enough for her to hear She opens the door slowly, probably still threatened when I flung the files at her earlier.

It was her dang fault for not cleaning up the mess fast enough.

I know I was being extreme today and that was all because of that pretty fucking woman that was still messing with my head even though I am supposed to hate her with my entire being.

“Oh you’re all ready Mr.


Good.” She nods.” They’re already waiting for you in the meeting room.”
I froze.

Who the hell was she talking about? “Who’s waiting for me?” I asked, already getting irritated that Sophie consumed my mind so much that I perhaps had forgotten about a meeting I was supposed to be having today.

“The Groupon Tech Ceo and his men.” Noel said while jotting down something on a notepad.

“Reschedule,” I said tightly.

I was going to Sophie’s apartment, I don’t have time to sit around and listen to men talk for more than half the day.

“I can’t sir.

We rescheduled last week and they’ve come all the way from Taiwan.

If you miss this one, the chairman will not be as forgiving and happy.”
gritted my teeth.

Great, fucking great.

It looks like I would have to wait to go over to Sophie’s.

I nodded stiffly and for more than five hours listened to business ideas and how Harrington.co would benefit from collaborating with Groupon Tech.

| admit, most of the time I was up in my head, thinking about Sophie and how I was going to drag her back to Harrington.co even though by the time I get there, office hours might be closed.

Sophie’s pov “We’re home!” Mila sang and I peeled my eyes open, groaning as I wiped off the drool trailing down the corner of my mouth.

I stretched, muting the movie that probably had replayed more than five times.

If Mila was here then that meant it was already three in the afternoon.

I slept long.

I turn around in the chair, beaming as my eyes fell on Ashton’s cute little face.

He notices me right away and his tiny lips split into a cute smile.

My heart squeezes as he looks so much like Aiden while smiling.

“Mama!” He squealed.

“Ash bug,” I said fondly, getting off the sofa.

“Ash down.” He told Mila so that she’d place him down on his feet.

He quickly runs over to me, giggling with his arms open.

“Careful Ash,” Mila shout as he nearly trips over the rug.

My heart jumps and I quickly meet him halfway before he manages to trip again.

When he’s in my arms, I hold him close and buried my nose in his hair.

He smells so good.

He smells like coconut.

SILI “I love you bug,” I whispered kissing his hair.

He giggles, throwing his arms around my neck.

He may be the exact replica of his father, but Ash was going to be better than Aiden.

And I was going to make sure of it.


What happened to you? You look like poop?” Mila asked, removing the scrunchie in her hair.

“Bad day.” I sighed heavily while picking up Ash even though he protested.

He was still my baby whether he liked it or not.

“Didn’t go well?”
I shook my head no.

“Bernard didn’t accept the resignation letter.”
Mila looks confused.

“What? Why? Did you not tell him why you wanted to quit?”
I shook my head, hugging Ash to me.

It’s Aiden.”
Mila’s eyes widen.

“That’s what I thought until I went to his office with the intent of shoving the letter down his throat.”
Mila looked at me in amusement and snorted.


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