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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 56

Aiden’s pov

“Mr. Xavier are you sure you’ll be okay to go out here alone?” Mitch asked as he looked around the neighborhood skeptically.

We were in a bad part of town.

I looked down at my expensive watch and read three forty.

The meeting took longer than I expected but at least it didn’t take the whole day.

I lifted my gaze and scan it around the area.

An ambulance siren blares as it zooms past us in a hurry.

There were children playing on the street, kicking the ball on the open road, not caring about the moving cars.

There were also some men a few blocks away that I remember were playing hoops.

They were littered with tattoos and seemed dangerous.

But that would just be reading the book by its cover.

I knew better than to judge someone by their outer appearance.

“I’ll be fine Mitch.

I’ll be in and out as quickly as I can.” I said, lowering my head and lifting my gaze to face the run-down old building.

So this is where she stays? Mitch looks at me through the rearview mirror, his eyes stoned in worry.

“Be careful Mr.


If there’s anything you need, I’m just one ring away.” I nod, slightly amused that he was uneasy around here.

I got out of the SUV, sliding my phone into my pocket while closing the door.

I tilt my head up to look at the building with a tiny smirk.

I was going to drag her back to work whether she likes it or not.

I pulled out the paper with her address and apartment number while approaching the entrance door.

It’s old and the red paint looks cheap.

I step in, heading towards the elevator.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” Someone yells to get my attention.

I turn around and see that it was a young woman.

She’s pretty but she’s no way as close to being as beautiful as my Sophie.

Wait, what the hell? Why did I say mine? I raised a brow as I pressed the button for the elevator.

“Pardon?” I asked.

The young woman points a finger at the elevator.

“It’s possessed.

Not safe to ride it, better to walk up the stairs.” She smiles.

My eyes sweep over to the stairs and I groan inwardly.

When was the last time I walked up so many steps?
Despite not at all excited to walk up the stairs, I nod in thanks and strut over there.

The young woman follows me, right behind me.

“You must be new here because I’ve never seen your face around here before.” She voiced out.

“Are you our new neighbor?” I was in no mood to chat with anyone today but the girl probably just saved my life.

The least I could do was answer her.

With my hand in my pocket, I started up the stairs.


I’m just here to see someone who lives here.” “I figured.

With the way you dress, you definitely don’t live in this area.”
I turn around slightly to see her nod at her words.

I shake my head.

What a nosey woman.

“Good observation,” I said curtly, walking faster so that she’d not ask any more questions.

“I’m Ria by the way.” She chirps behind me, seeming to want to engage in a conversation.

Something I was avoiding.

Dammit when will those stairs end!? “Nice name,” I answered vaguely hoping she’d take the hint that I didn’t want to speak to her right now.

She must have realized this because she stays quiet until the stairs finally end and we’re on the floor of Sophie’s apartment.

Noticing that perhaps I was going the same way as her she decides to try her luck again.

“You said you’ve come here for someone…” She trailed off, either wanting me to give her my name or, wanting me to tell her who I was here for exactly.

I don’t think neither is her business.

I don’t answer her and just kept walking while looking at the numbers on the doors.

“Wait! Are you here for one of my roommates? Is it Mila or Sophie?”
gritted my teeth.


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