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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 58

Aiden’s pov

All I feel is anger as I storm to where I saw Mila taking my son.

I can’t believe she was trying to justify herself for keeping my son’s existence away from me. I gritted my teeth.

For three years I’ve thought about her and cared about her even though I was trying so hard not to. Only for her to be the villain in all of this.

I push the door open, causing Mila to jump in fright. She clutches my son closer, looking at me in alarm.

Her eyes are wide and she looks ready to jump into action if she has to.

Did she really think I came here to hurt my son?

My eyes fall to the little boy on her lap, enveloped by her arms protectively. His resemblance to me is quite scary. You’d be a fool to not notice.

His blue eyes, if not the same as mine at least similar are gazing up at me with a gleam of intrigue. My heart warms.

I had never considered having children, especially when I

obviously hadn’t got the woman I wanted to have those children with. But turns out that, that woman had already had my kid, only to not have told me.

There’s a sinking feeling of betrayal weighing down my belly. I want to punch a hole in the wall, and scream at her for betraying me once more.

But I don’t want to scare that innocent face that was staring at me with twinkling blue eyes. He was beautiful. And he was mine.

And I missed out on years of his life. Because of her.

I’m instantly angry as hell. I’m breathing erratic and I’m glaring down at Mila who’s holding him like I was going to take him away from her and walk out of the apartment.

The thought crossed my mind but I wouldn’t do something like that to Sophie no matter how much she hurt me.


Her soft voice fluttered behind me, making me grit my teeth at how much she had a shiver crawling down my spine despite how angry I am at her right now.

“I didn’t think

I shake my head, stepping into the room and having Mila rise to her feet with my little boy in her arms. He giggles. And that sound has my heart slamming in my chest.

I am a dad.

“Give him to me.” The words rolled off my tongue as my eyes glued to my mini me.

He was a beautiful boy and even though the ends of his hair curled on top of his ear, I noticed that he had his mom’s ears.


Mila held him tighter, looking at me like I was the devil. I grit my teeth and glared at her in fury. She was getting on my last nerves.

“Give me my son Mila.” I snapped in frustration. I’m this close to losing my patience and this close to taking him from her myself.

But I didn’t want to scare him and have him terrified of me. So I controlled my anger and only glared at Mila in impatience.

She looks at Sophie behind me and she nods a few seconds later. Walking up to me, she glared at me.

“If you hurt them, I’ll skewer you alive.” She warned and finally pass my little boy to me.


He’s tiny compared to me and surprisingly he comes without a fight. He seems almost excited, cheerful and he was adorable. My heart is warming, yet getting filled with anger and resentment for what Sophie had done to me.

I turn around with him in my arms and my eyes fall on his mother leaning against the doorframe. Her eyes are red and misty. She’s crying.

But even though my heart panged knowing I had caused this, don’t apologize. She deserved it. At least in my book.

Mila passes her and squeezes her arm on her way out. Now it was only the three of us.

I’m trying my best to ignore her as I focus on my son in my arms. His head falls on my shoulder and I hear the soft adorable sigh of a yawn tumble out his mouth.

My fingers are trembling as I place my hand on his back.

“He usually takes a nap around this time,” Sophie whispered and I lift my head just in time to see her wipe a few trailing tears off her cheeks.

I tear my gaze away. I’m supposed to be even more furious with her for what she did. But of course, the woman can cause the most severe damage to me and I’d still want her.


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