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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 57

Sophie’s pov

I’m trembling in his presence, scared of his anger and what he’d say or do. I knew he would not physically hurt me but mentally, he just might I try to push up my armor around my heart before it’s too late.

Because whatever I say now, would only push me into more hot water.

“Aiden I started with a low tone but he cut me off with anger.

“Explain why I have a son that I never knew about Sophie!” He roared, storming towards me.

He’s seething and raging and his anger is validated.

I can see the storm in his blue eyes already, eyes similar to the little boy we shared.

But there’s also hurt and confusion in those depths that made my stomach twist.

I have hurt him.

I’m looking at him lost, not sure how I can explain myself without being the villain.

But I was always the villain in our story and I couldn’t convince anyone otherwise.

Aiden stops a couple of feet away from me.

His lips are curled into a snarl and he looks like he could burn the entire house down with his anger.

I have royally screwed myself.

“Aren’t you going to explain yourself, Sophie!?” He blasted rolling his eyes over my figure.

I’m in sweats and my high bun is flopping down the side of my head.

I look a mess.

He looks at me in disgust and I feel it shatter that armor I thought I placed properly.

I should’ve known that it was feeble and that I didn’t place it on correctly.

I still haven’t gotten over the spat we had in the office yet and now that he pulled the rug under my feet, I wasn’t sure I would be able to come up after that.

Aiden snorts when I don’t respond.

” And just imagine how many more years you’d keep him a secret from me if I didn’t show up here.” ” How many more years do you think it would take for him to ask about his daddy?” He snarled, his hands fisting at his sides.

I flinched.

He had every right to be angry, hell he should be even more furious.

“Were you ever going to tell me about him, Sophie?” His question had my fingers trembling so I had no choice but to cross my arms.

I look down at his expensive shoes and whispered the truth.

“I don’t know.”
Hearing my words Aiden laughed loudly.

There’s no emotion.” Great.

Fucking just great! You don’t know? That’s hilarious, fucking amusing.” I cringe at his use of language.

He was spitting them out so loudly that I know Ash could hear.

“Shhh Aiden, can you at least keep your voice down? I don’t want Ash familiar with profanities.” I whispered harshly.

“You’re concerned about the volume of my voice instead of explaining to me why you kept him away from me?!” He snapped but I’m at least relieved that the volume of his voice was admittedly lower.

I bit my lower lip and shifted on the heels of my feet.

Aiden was intimidating and when angered like this, I was a bit unsure if it was a good idea to try to make him not see me as the monster | was sure he was painting in his head about me.

| sighed heavily.

I couldn’t avoid this, he needed my explanation.

And I didn’t think he’d leave until he had it.

“Can we talk about this calmly? I don’t want Ashton scared.

He gets frightened by loud voices.” I said softly, tucking a few stray hairs behind my ear nervously.

Whatever I would say to him would obviously still leave me in a bad light in his eyes.

I was just scared of what he’d do after.

Would he want to take me to court? I’m trembling slightly by the thought but put on a brave face though inwardly I was crumbling with fear.

Aiden is seething lowly, his chest rising and falling which confirms how truly angry he was.

I didn’t think you’d want to talk to me far less like the news of being pregnant.”
I tore my eyes away from him and whispered.

“So I decided to
keep this away from you.

You just decide for yourself not caring about anyone else but your fucking self.”
I flinched as he lowered his head, glaring at me in resentment.” Was this a punishment for causing Carson’s death? Did you resent me so much that you kept my son away from me?” I feel my heart shatter by his words.

There was no way you’d like the news of someone you hate pregnant for you!”
Aiden grips my arm and seethes.” You know why I was furious at everyone? Because they fucking abandoned me! Everyone turned against me including you.


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