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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 75


Sophie’s pov

I feel the blood drain from my face as I read the note over and over again.

And every single time, I felt nausea crawl up my throat and feel the squeezing of my heart.

It’s painful.

Knowing he slept with her brought on pain, it hurt me so badly that I couldn’t breathe properly. I shakily closed the draw in disgust, my eyes filling up with tears.

Did he fuck her before he fucked me or after?

My heart squeezed even more as the thought hit me.

I gripped the phone harshly, my fingers trembling.

I bit into my bottom lip, nearly splitting it in the process.

This hurts.

And I know it shouldn’t.

I breathed out a shaky breath, blinking but that only re- sulted in the tears to roll down my cheeks.

My lungs burn and I shakily place the phone on the desk.

Come on Sophie. Get a grip!

He has hurt you before, you knew he was a manwhore. Nothing has changed. Why are you still making this hurt you?

I let out shaky breaths, hoping to ease my heart and stop the burning in my throat.

I was supposed to be strong when it comes to him and yet I am still the girl who gets butt hurt when Aiden does things like this.

I gripped the edge of the desk and pushed the chair back a little and buried my face in my hands.

“God I hate him,” I whispered, soaking my palms with my


This was again all my fault for making him hurt me when he clearly didn’t have to try much.

I sobbed lowly, feeling my heart ache.

Come on Soph, get a grip on yourself! If Mila was here she’d surely smack you across your head or yell at you to pull your shit together.

I tried to comfort myself but instead, the tears kept flow- ing because inwardly I knew that my stupid heart still loved Aiden. Even after all these years I still love him.

But that didn’t mean that I had to succumb to these feel- ings.

I thought we were over crying over him, Sophie? My con- science reminded me.

He clearly doesn’t deserve you and it’s not like you two were ever a thing. You were never a thing in high school, sure- ly you’ll never be a thing now…

Aiden would only hurt you and keep hurting you. Protect

your heart from him, Sophie. My conscience reminded me and I sniffle.

My conscience was right. Aiden would always hurt me. And I should’ve seen this coming, even if it was unintentional- ly this time.

I should’ve guarded my heart for this. I was stupid. Those little words he just said to me messed with my head and my heart again and I unknowingly opened my heart for him again, not knowing that it would get stabbed again so soon.

Enough is enough Sophie. You knew this would happen sooner or later. Now pull yourself together and show him that you don’t care for him at all.

That you don’t care about what he does or who he’s with.

I wiped my eyes, straightening my spine.

I got this.

Not bothering to look at the nasty red lace thong I slammed the draw closed.


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