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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 76


Sophie’s pov

My stomach knots and my throat hurts. I swallowed the lump tickling in my throat and stared at his arrogant face.

He’s looking at me with a raised brow, his eyes growing confused when I hadn’t answered him right away.

Did he cum inside her too?

Did he stare into her eyes like he did me?

Did he moan her name?

I tore my eyes away from him and cleared my throat while rising to my feet. “If you’ll excuse me I need to use the bath- room.”

I moved around the desk ready to walk away from him but fingers warm and long wrap around my upper arm and stopped me.

I keep my head away from his face, not wanting to look into the eyes I’ve drowned into many times.

His eyes are piercing through the side of my face and I hold in my shiver. I gnaw on my lips and waited with battered breath to see what he would do or say next. With Aiden, things were a bit unpredictable.

He steps closer to me, his stomach brushing against my upper arm. I stiffen, my heart skyrocketing. “Sophie,” He breathed out my name above my head.

His grip around my arm tightens. “What’s wrong?”

I clenched my eyes tightly, coaxing my heart to stop beat- ing so quickly for him, and then answered while peeling my

eyes open.

“Nothing. Nothing is wrong. I just need to use the bath-


I lied straight through my teeth and honestly I had a feel- ing Aiden knew that I was not telling the truth with the way his grip around my arm turned even more firm.

“Sophie,” His tone has a warning to it. One I don’t take heed of and pull my arm out of his grasp. He doesn’t budge.

“Let me go,” I murmured lowly, my back to my neck filling with goosebumps when his head dips and his lips brush against my ear.

“Not until you tell me what’s wrong with you.”

My stomach does many flips that had me almost queasy. His lips are still brushing my ear and his breath feathering against it.

Those goosebumps are in no rush to leave my skin.

I ground my teeth, clenching my eyes tightly while I prayed that I can get a hold of myself.

Suddenly the image of the red thong and the words writ- ten on the paper had me remembering why I shouldn’t be feeling this way for him.

I breathed out through my nose and then peeled my eyes open. “There’s nothing wrong with me Aiden. Now let me go.”

His grip only hardens and he grumbles. “I know when something is wrong with you Sophie. Do you really think that I am a fool?”

I take a few seconds before answering with a nod. “Yes, I do take you as a fool. A really big one to be exact. Now if you don’t want pee on your shiny marble floors, I would let go of me if I were you.”


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