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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 90


Sophie’s pov

I’m gritting my teeth and clenching my fist. I’m so frus- trated and angry.

The interviewer, a woman with pretty blonde hair and big blue eyes had been nothing but flirty with Aiden the entire time.

And it doesn’t help that Aiden’s grin is radiant. I even feel jealous and want to be in her position right now.

I know I shouldn’t be but I am. I’m angry and frustrated and wish for this interview to hurry up and finish.

My prayers are answered soon after and both Aiden and I found ourselves back inside the dressing room in a couple of


“You’re pissed.” Aiden cracked the silence with his amused words when I closed the door.

I grit my teeth. So he did notice my glares across the room after all.

“I’m not.” I denied.

Aiden snorts and I’m tempted to hurl my bag at his back.

Cocky piece of shit.

He turns around, one of his brows raised. “You have that cute frown on your face, Sophie. It’s not that hard for one to notice that you’re not pleased. Save yourself the trouble of

denying it.”

My brows pinch.


When he says cute words like that it’s hard to not want to bury him six feet under.

I’m about to answer him but there’s a knock on the door.

Aiden looks just as confused as I am.

The interview was done so there was no need for him any- more. Yet, who was at the door?

He hadn’t even have to say come in, whoever was at the door barged in without a care in the world.

I stiffen when it’s that same blonde interviewer woman. She’s smiling widely, seductively but when her eyes fell on me, her face turned bitter.

I nearly rolled my eyes.

She must think I give a damn about how she looks at me.

Her gaze swept over to Aiden who stood there confused and a little startled.

She beamed, her eyes dancing with happiness and her lips splitting into a seductive grin. “Mr. Xavier. I’m happy to have caught you still here. I want to have a word with you in private.”

She looked at me with a slight glare that I did roll my eyes

Of course she wants to ‘have a word’ with him in private.

I’m sure this is how this is normally played out.

I look over at Aiden who grows stiff.

I’m confused by his reaction. Isn’t this what he wanted?

With those charming smiles he sent her way, I would’ve thought he was counting down the seconds until she came here.

But his next words both confused and startled me. “I don’t do private chats with someone I don’t know Miss. Wan- ton. We’re strangers, I don’t hold private conversations with that sort.” He says stiffly.

The woman flinched slightly, her eyes dimming with em- barrassment. But like any fox with determination, she giggles. “But you can’t consider us strangers Mr. Xavier after that in- terview.”

Aiden looks annoyed which was entertaining and a bit confusing. I would have thought he’d love this attention.

Or maybe he’s just acting this way since I am in the same


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