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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 91


Sophie’s pov

The woman turns around, her face so red and her eyes so misty. She seems to be on a mission to avoid my gaze as she tries and fails to cover her overspilling breasts and rushes out of the room without another word.

When she’s gone, I turn to Aiden, my eyes wide in surprise and discomfort at what just happened mere seconds ago.

“You’re mad,” I shook my head in disbelief.

Aiden loosens his tie and spared me a glance. He doesn’t even look the least bit affected by what just happened. Was that a normal thing to happen to him?

If so then I wasn’t surprised.

“How so?” He asked with an amused arched in his brow.

I shake my head and stomp over to him. “Why would you tell her that I am your fiance Aiden? Can you not see how you’ve royally screwed us!?”

I jabbed at his chest.

He was absolutely crazy. Why would he mess around with that word so easily?

“That woman would not have left if I hadn’t said that to her. She was desperate enough to stay.” He defended as he pulled the tie off his neck and threw it on the dresser.

He walks to the clothes rack with different suits Olivia

managed to get there less than ten minutes before his inter- view.

“You could’ve said anything else Aiden, anything else but you chose to say that I’m your fiance?” I glared at his back. while he was unbuttoning his shirt to change.

“It was the first thing that came to mind.” He shrugged nonchalantly and removed the shirt from his body.

I tore my eyes away, biting into my lips as I grumble. “You not seeing how messed up this is, is alarming.”

I felt his eyes on me, on the side of my face. “You’ve seen my body naked before Sophie, why act shy now?”

I felt a blush crawl up my neck and settle on my cheeks. “Because it’s inappropriate to stare at your boss while he’s changing Aiden,” I grumble while crossing my arms and pinching my skin.

Aiden snorted.

I turn around, fully blocking any view of him.

I hear his footfalls and seconds later feel his chest press- ing into my back.

I stiffen.

“Am I only your boss mama bear?” He says lowly, his lips. brushing the back of my ear.

I shivered and moved away from him quickly as I felt the unmistakable feeling of my pussy clenching. He was arousing me with just simple words. I should be ashamed of myself.

“And apparently my fiance too.” I snapped sarcastically, pushing up my anger to drown out my arousal.

I whirled around, flushing when I’m met with his bare


“Are you that pissed about this Sophie?” Aiden groaned in frustration which successfully pulled me out of my gapping.

I shook my head. “What?” I asked confused.

What were we talking about again?

Aiden’s lips curved up in a smile and said. “You don’t only have to stare mama bear, you can touch too.”

My eyes narrowed and then I huffed. It seems that my anger can never stay long enough when I’m dealing with him. I always go back to fawning.

“You’re so annoying,” I grumble and turned around.

“Where are you going?” Aiden called out in amusement.

I opened the door while snapping. “Away from you. I’ll meet you outside.”

I don’t care that he’s my boss. If he fires me then even


I slammed the door behind me, huffed and walked away.

Everyone’s eyes slowly sweep over to me as I walked by.

Some are in groups, whispering amongst themselves as they pinned me with confused and questioning gazes.

They reminded me of teenage girls who had nothing bet- ter to do than gossip.


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