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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 93


“Loosen up Sophie. You’re as stiff as a rock.” Aiden whis- pered beside my ear, his lips tickling my skin.

His hands run down the small of my back, his warmth. seeping through and relaxing me as we walked to our table.

I sighed in relief when we finally took our seats but I prayed that maybe, just maybe all these rich fancy people would stop staring at us like we were the most fascinating thing they’ve seen in a while.

The stares literally burned through me when they saw Aiden pulling the chair back for me to sit. And when I fixed that chair and he stayed beside me for longer than necessary, their stares had turned hotter.

Seriously you could have brought me to any fast food place. I’d be happy to eat oily fries and a cheesy burger.” I grumble as I darted my eyes around as slick as I could.

“Those fast food places aren’t good enough for you. You deserve the best,” He grinned. My stomach knotted.


I stared at him across the table. This feels intimate. Just us

two having lunch in a fancy restaurant.

It almost looks like we were on a date. That must be why everyone could not stop looking our way.

Or perhaps it was the shock to see the young bachelor

with a woman who looked like she swam in the sewer.

Aiden seems to be staring at me deeply too. It’s quite nerve-wracking actually.

I needed to distract him before the waiter arrives. Be-

cause obviously if he keeps staring at me like I was the meal, I was not sure I can handle myself. Or my feelings.

“So you have a photo of me in one of your penthouses?” | asked in curiosity.

Honestly, I had been dying to ask him this question the moment his grandfather confirmed it.

Aiden started hacking out a cough.

I looked at him in concern.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I watch him block his mouth. His face was heating up with a blush.

“Yes,” Cough. “I’m fine.”

He clears his throat, looking a bit flustered. “No, I actually don’t. Sergio doesn’t have a great memory, so I knew exactly what to tell him to get him off my back.”


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