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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 94

Sophie’s pov

‘I agree, perhaps I should have talked to you about it before surprising you the way I did this morning. But he came over to the office unexpectedly,” Aiden murmurs when I didn’t respond.

I shook my head slightly. “I still don’t get it Aiden. Why me?”

He drags out a sigh, tore his stormy gaze away from and then shift them back to me. This time, they’re deep with emotion. Vulnerability.

“Because you’re the only one I trust Sophie. I can’t ask anyone else, there’s no other woman I’d want to parade on my arm other than you,” He says with such shocking honesty, I gulped.

My tongue feels heavy and I’m not sure how I am supposed to answer him.

He shakes his head, laughs dryly and clears his throat. “I can’t go back to jail Sophie, not when I just got to know my son,”

My heart squeezes.

“I can’t leave him like that. I need to be there for him.” He croaked out with heavy emotion.

“You’re powerful too Aiden, can’t you fight him on this?” I whispered. He was the CEO of one of the biggest companies in New York. There was really nothing he can’t do.

I froze.

Pregnant fiance?

“Aiden,” I whispered in disbelief. “Did you tell your grandfather I was pregnant?”

Was that the reason Sergio kept looking at me from head to toe?

I had originally thought Aiden had thrown us in hot water but he threw us in the burning pit instead.

He looks at me guiltily and sheepishly. “I did. But this was the only way for him to accept this. Like I said, he’d look like the bad guy in the situation, not me. But if I were to threaten him with telling the media about his plan to find a way to send me back into jail, I’d also raise questions as to why I was in jail in the first place.”

Aiden breathed out and tore his eyes away from me. “As you can see Sophie, I was backed into a corner and this was the only way out. I did it for my son and you.”

He brought his eyes back to me, his face flushing. “I cannot leave you and Ash alone. I have missed out on way too much

as it is.”

I let out a shaky breath. I understood him and why he said what he said. But pregnancy?

How could we pull this off when I was a hundred percent sure I was not pregnant?

I looked at Aiden across the table and suddenly all I could feel was pity. How can his own grandfather threaten him so badly

that he had to sort for ways to stay in his son’s life?

He was doing this for Ashton and he needed my help.

And how can I not?

My son just got his father in his life and even though we clearly still have problems seeing eye to eye, I wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice and ruin his chance with his son,



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