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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 98

Sophie’s pov

There’s cheering around, but my eyes can’t move away from Aiden to see those who were cheering.

I knew that it was the people in the store who saw and heard everything. I didn’t need to know more.

He smiles brightly in relief and slips the ring on my trembling fingers. His fingers were warm, and gentle.

“The color matches your eyes,” He whispered and looked up at me with a grin.

I nod agreeing with him even though I didn’t even hear a word he just said. My mind was a bit too hazy with what just happened. I could not focus a hundred percent yet.

He comes closer, his bigger body almost pressing against mine. My heart is beating in my chest when one of his arms slip around my waist and hold me firmly.

He leans down and kissed my cheek and whispered. “Nice acting.”

His words had cold water splashing across my body, freezing me and pushing reality in my face. Acting.

We were just acting.

Stupid Sophie. Of course the two of you were acting.

He didn’t mean a single word that came out of his mouth.

“We need to show them that you’re extremely happy. We both are.” He whispered, kissing my cheeks again. His lips on my skin burned through me and heated my veins.

I ignored the feeling, setting cold ice in my heart instead. “How are we supposed to do that?” I whispered, my heart aching knowing those beautiful words he said had no true meaning behind them.

What a waste of beautiful words.

“Easy,” He murmurs, his head coming forward.

His hand at the back of my head, his fingers tangled in my hair, his head leaning down, my eyes on his lips, and then a gasp….

Our lips mold, perfectly even though we both were imperfect.

He moved them against mine softly, tenderly as one would do to his lover. Someone he loves.

My foolish heart flutters in my chest again like a bird flapping its wings.

He moans, drawing me closer to him. The way he gripped the back of my head and the way his lips sucked my lower lip in his mouth, Aiden definitely had forgotten where we were until I pulled away.

We were in a store with many eyes on us, we didn’t need to kiss like we were about to fuck in front of everyone.

Aiden pecks my lips and brushes some of my hair behind my ear. His actions were playing with my heart but I was allowing him to.

Great he saw me looking at myself like a weirdo.

Looking away from the rearview mirror, I decided to scoot a little further to the door and fetch my buzzing phone.

My brows furrowed when I noticed that it was Mila’s picture

on the screen.

Why was she calling me now? Did something happen?

I quickly slide my thumb over the answer button and brought the phone to my ear.


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