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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 97

Sophie’s pov

Aiden asked me if I wanted to put the ring in the jewelry store or somewhere more private.

I wasn’t sure which to choose seeing as I was so stunned by the sight of the sapphire diamond ring that was worth 1.2 million dollars.

That’s enough to buy at least two mansions. Enough to feed a good bit of poor people too. I didn’t want him to spend this much money on me. Not when I clearly did not deserve it.

“Aiden you can’t spend so much on me,” I whispered so only he could hear me as he observed the ring for flaws. His eyes were set on the ring so fixedly that I thought he was way too into it to even have heard me.

His mouth tugs into a grin a second later. He heard me.

“Don’t worry about it, darling. Like I’ve mentioned,” He turns. to me with the ring pinched between his fingers. “Only the best for my woman,” He whispered, leaning forward.

For his woman….

Focus Sophie!

Play it cool. You’re supposed to pretend too, don’t forget that. Don’t forget that this is all for show. Everyone’s watching, be calm.

Aiden leans forward even more, his eyes falling to my lips.

I held my breath because he was getting so close that I can feel the warm air from his nose on my face.

But then the tension cracks when he lifted his hand between us and asked. “Do you like it?”

My eyes crossed as I looked at the ring between us. It was sterling silver, and those pretty sapphire diamonds shone brightly.

They were not meant for someone like me.

A beautiful ring that should not be wrapped around my finger.

I felt like a fraud. Aiden was supposed to give a woman he loves this beautiful, expensive ring. Not someone who was supposed to act like his fiance just to get him out of trouble.

“It’s beautiful,” I answered, smiling lightly. Frank had his eyes on us like a hawk. One disagreement and I was sure he’d run to the media and say how I’m a selfish and unsatisfied bitch.

Aiden grins and asked me again in a low voice that I alone could hear. “Where do you want to put it on?” He asked and then his eyes shifted to somewhere in the room and his jaw clenched.

He looks back over at me and leans forward and then draws his mouth over to my ear to murmur tightly. “Don’t look but there are two employees mumbling together. One has a phone and the other is watching us fixedly. We have to act accordingly.”

I’m confused until I got what he meant when he suddenly got

on his knee before me.

My heart jumps in my throat and then resumes its beating, only that it was beating so quickly that it was alarming.


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